
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Machine Translating SQuAD1.1 with Google Cloud Translation API

This is an application for translating the popular Question Answering Dataset SQuAD using Machine Translation with Google Cloud Translation API.

Important notes

You need a valid Google Cloud Platform (GCP) Account and an activated Cloud Translation API for real translation (see Google's Setup Guide). Note that Cloud Translation API is NOT for free and will cause high costs if you translate the whole dataset (see Pricing). The SQuAD training dataset (train-v1.1.json) has about 20 million characters, so translation costs will be over 400$. You can also translate only a subset of the dataset using the -c parameter (see usage below) with the number of characters to translate. Note that the application will not stop exactly when this number is reached and will finish the current paragraph to always output a valid JSON and SQuAD structure that can be used to continue translation or for training Machine Learning Systems like BERT.

Further notes

If you sign up new to GCP you get a 300$ free trial for 30 days, that you can use.

This application will create checkpoint files after each translated paragraph for reliability reasons and to allow to continue translation later on.



Use venv and install all required dependencies before usage

Needs PyTorch before installing flair: https://pytorch.org/get-started/locally/
If you get errors while installing flair, try to install tiny-tokenizer first: pip install tiny-tokenizer

Tested with Python 3.8 on Windows

Example usages

Getting Help:
python translate_squad_1_1.py --help

Translate the whole dataset with default settings:
python translate_squad_1_1.py data/train-v1.1.json data/translated

Parameter -m allows mocking the translations without using Google Translate. This is meant for testing purposes, to see whether the JSON structure is correct or similar.
python translate_squad_1_1.py data/train-v1.1.json data/translated -m

Parameter -c limits the number of characters sent to Google Translate to reduce costs. Note: The application does not stop immediately when the limit is reached, but finishes the current paragraph to always get a well formed JSON and SQuAD structure that can be used for training ML systems. This means if you set the limit to 1000 (costs 0,02$) it might be 1300 (costs 0,026$) characters in total.
python translate_squad_1_1.py data/train-v1.1.json data/translated -c 1000

Parameter -t allows you to change the threshold probability a answer must exceed in the translated context, to be recognized as the correct answer.
python translate_squad_1_1.py data/train-v1.1.json data/translated -t 0.6

Insights: Finding the 'answer_start'

SQuAD has for each answer an corresponding 'answer_start' to indicate where to find the answer inside the context. Since the context and the answer are translated separately it may happen that the translated answer can not be found in the same wording inside the translated context. Therefore some kind of fuzzy matching is needed, but edit distance turned out to be too imprecise. The approach here is to use of Word Embeddings (more precisely 'German FastText embeddings' implemented in Flair; You can change this in the 'answer_start' package) and to search for the Word Embedding combination (vector sum of len(words in orig answer)) with the highest probability. This combination needs also to exceed the given threshold (parameter -t, default 0.5). If no answer exceeds the threshold, the answer will be discarded. The search in the translated context is also limited to the sentence in which the original answer was.