
Dockerfile to build the latest FreeSWITCH packages for Debian Wheezy using Docker.

Primary LanguageShell

What is it?

This is a Dockerfile and shell script to create a Docker image that will, when run, build Debian packages of the current FreeSWITCH master branch.


git clone https://github.com/markuslindenberg/docker-freeswitch-debbuilder.git
cd docker-freeswitch-debbuilder
docker build -t fsbuild .
docker run fsbuild

How to build repeatedly

You can restart a used container anytime. The container will pull the git repo and do a full build only when new commits were pulled.

docker start -a CONTAINER

How does it work?

I didn't use pbuilder. Instead, a shell script will run the few steps necessary:

  • git pull
  • Bootstrap FreeSWITCH
  • Use git-buildpackage to create a source package
  • Place package into a repository
  • Install dependencies using apt-get build-dep
  • Build packages using apt-get source --build
  • Create repository tree using aptly

What's missing but easily doable

  • Signing
  • Building other branches
  • Building for other debian releases