A library of tileable, procedural noise and pattern functions. Implemented in Swift and utilizes the Surge library.
Normally you would implement noise and similar functionality on the GPU, however in my specific use case, a heavily multi-threaded, permutative and recursive node system, a CPU implementation made more sense. Hope this Swift library is useful to others.
Based on Procedural Tileable Shaders.
Simply add the url of this Git to your Swift Packages.
All the functions listed below are member functions of the SwiftNoise class which you have to instantiate first. As these noises / patterns are tileable, only use the scale parameter to subdivide the noise into more tiles. Scaling the uv / pos parameter will not provide correct results.
This library is work in progress, currently implemented functions are:
// 2D Value noise.
// @param scale Number of tiles, must be an integer for tileable results, range: [2, inf]
// @param seed Seed to randomize result, range: [0, inf]
// @return Value of the noise, range: [-1, 1]
func noise(pos: SIMD2<Float>, scale: SIMD2<Float>, seed: Float) -> Float
// 2D Gradient noise.
// @param scale Number of tiles, must be integer for tileable results, range: [2, inf]
// @param seed Seed to randomize result, range: [0, inf], default: 0.0
// @return Value of the noise, range: [-1, 1]
func gradientNoise(pos: SIMD2<Float>, scale: SIMD2<Float>, seed: Float) -> Float
// 2D Perlin noise.
// @param scale Number of tiles, must be integer for tileable results, range: [2, inf]
// @param seed Seed to randomize result, range: [0, inf], default: 0.0
// @return Value of the noise, range: [-1, 1]
func perlinNoise(pos: SIMD2<Float>, scale: SIMD2<Float>, seed: Float) -> Float