- 0
Change on htmlIcon / data-icon
#166 opened by scheide - 0
dragdrop doesnt work if loaded via ajax
#165 opened by cos2000 - 0
Cannot Retrieve Javascript this object onChange Event
#164 opened by aboah - 0
change event not triggered on drag & drop
#163 opened by tstamac - 0
Clear method issue
#162 opened by ahmetaltun - 1
Version 1.2.3 not published to NPM
#160 opened by camslice - 0
only works on page refresh
#161 opened by chickenteeth - 5
- 7
Problem with cloning
#139 opened by pedjavujic - 1
Can not install latest version using npm
#149 opened by rajjanorkar - 1
what about required option?
#154 opened by nafakta - 1
Text option to change button text wrong
#155 opened by mikeheft - 6
Input group breaking changes
#144 opened by elkhouri - 3
- 1
the new version doesn't work for me
#150 opened by yeganehaym - 1
TypeError: element.filestyle is not a function
#153 opened by uvaisTrivecta - 14
How it works?
#148 opened by renanleandrof - 1
Not working inside an ng-repeat
#146 opened by declankelly170 - 2
Update npm package
#147 opened by aspyatkin - 1
Default value
#145 opened by MGeurts - 1
- 7
Version numbers not following semantic versioning?
#140 opened by holtkamp - 0
Callback functions
#120 opened by markusslima - 5
Add a 'clear' icon to text box
#132 opened by hitched97 - 0
iconName setter
#138 opened by zgrdmr - 1
I can keep the project up to date.
#137 opened by pentyala - 1
TS2339: Property 'filestyle' does not exist on type 'JQuery' getting this error when compiling with webpack
#135 opened by UmarMydeen - 1
Original file selection is sometimes not hidden.
#133 opened by hitched97 - 3
A minor error in the document
#122 opened by taoduo - 1
File Format Validation
#127 opened by LPBR - 3
Not working on first pageload
#134 opened by PhpSriptKiddie - 4
How can i use ng-model to get the form data?
#131 opened by taobataoma - 1
buttonName change doesnt work
#130 opened by HiteshVaghela - 7
- 1
Label not set file name value
#123 opened by vipullakhtariya - 1
Documentation website seems to be down.
#125 opened by helloromero - 0
- 3
blueimp Jquery Fileupload onchange event
#126 opened by patrickaglibut - 3
css class "filestyle" not found
#124 opened by WeanaSchnitzl - 11
- 0
How do you detect that the value of the bootstrap-filestyle input has changed?
#119 opened by eat-sleep-code - 3
Options via data attributes are not working
#118 opened by stefanfrede - 5
Support for both button before and after
#114 opened by holtkamp - 1
URL is shortened on every upload
#113 opened by tomnorwood - 3
append files
#112 opened by fcpauldiaz - 2
Set value programmatically
#115 opened by rsercano - 3
Click on input to open file
#108 opened by WouterDeRyck - 1
filestyle - relcopy not working
#109 opened by pushkar667 - 1
javascript options not working
#111 opened by aegued - 1
There is a live example on file
#107 opened by va1m