
cielo24 .NET API Library

Primary LanguageC#

cielo24 .NET API Library

  • Core assembly path:

    Cielo24/bin/Release/Cielo24.dll (depends on Newtonsoft.JSON and NLog) Cielo24/bin/Release/Cielo24Merged.dll (no dependencies)

  • NuGet:

    Run the following command in the Package Manager Console in Visual Studio to install Cielo24 assembly as well as any dependencies:

     Install-Package Cielo24

    More information can be found here: https://www.nuget.org/packages/Cielo24/

  • Command Line Interface path:

    CommandLineTool/bin/Release/CommandLineToolMerged.exe (no dependencies)


     CommandLineToolMerged.exe [action] [options]

For a detailed API documentation visit: http://docs.cielo24.com/en/latest/