fairness assessment workshop

FAIR Assessment Workshop @ EBI

Date: Monday October 1

Location: Conference Center, Wellcome Genome Campus, Hinxton, Cambridge, CB10 1SA, UK T +44 (0)1223 495000 https://www.wellcomegenomecampus.org/locatehere/gettinghere.html

Description: A workshop to learn about FAIR, principles, metrics, and ecosystem, and to perform a FAIR assessment on participant selected digital resources. This workshop is run as part of an ELIXIR Implementation Study and the GREEKC COST ACTION.


1045am Coffee

1100am Plenary talk: FAIR

1130am Workshop Begins: Elaboration

1230 Lunch

1330 Performing a FAIR Assessment

1415 Submit FAIR Assessment

1415 Coffee break

1430 Discussion

1530 Breakout groups (1 hr)

1630 Presentation of roadmaps (1 slide, 2.5 minutes)

1700 Summary & Lessons Learned

1715 Feedback on Workshop

1730 Workshop End

1800 Dinner at the Red Lion

Information for participants


  • Michel Dumontier
  • Alexander Malic
  • Nadine Rouleaux
  • Ricardo Da Rocha De Miranda Azevedo