Pulls company information from crunchbase and displays information in a manner that is quicker to get a general impression of the success of a company
This project will run a simple configuration of Django where bulk of the project is in calling on crunchbases API or scraping the website for necessary information. Output will be in either raw JSON or a simple Django template output.
and change SECRET_KEY, SQL_DATABASE, SQL_USER, and SQL_PASSWORD as desired. Insecure default values are provided. Note: You must provide a Crunchbase Api Key as a default is not provided. -
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Go to
Returns an overview of a company including Name, website, founders, money raised, etc as seen on Crunchbase
- name(string): Name of a company to search for
GET /search/?name=cd%20projekt%20red
Returns a list of all companies scraped from CrunchBase
GET /company/
Returns an overview of a company
GET /company/cd-projekt-red
If time permits, an endpoint can be created allowing the user get data on a given person including companies they are involved in and crunchbase rank.
Includes name, rank, website, money raised, and association to people in the form of founders.
Includes name and rank