
First test using Selenide (Selenium) & Maven & Saucelabs


Added one line to end of before() method... WebDriverRunner.setWebDriver(driver);

It makes Selenide use your provided instance of webdriver.

See for good examples including how to wiat for something to disappear.. $(byText("Loading")).waitUntil(disappears), 20000);

Use chrome plugin 'Selenium Page Object Generator' to create object maps

Verifying options in a dropdown: $$("select option").shouldHave(texts("male", "female", "unknown"));

IntelliJ plug in 'Selenium' installed for Selenide

Build error:

SELENIDE - Using actions: Look for example in selenide tests: @Test public void userCanUseSeleniumActions() { $("rememberMe")).shouldNotBe(selected); actions().click($("rememberMe"))).build().perform(); $("rememberMe")).shouldBe(selected); }

To run in Chrome - open Run > Edit Configurations In VM options, add -Dbrowser=chrome

For other browsers to execute on locally, download the driver and put it in the vendor folder of this project Then update the if/else statement in in the tests package then update VM options accordingly

SAUCELABS VM option: -Dhost=saucelabs or -Dhost=saucelabs-mobile (This is entered in the VM options currently for each test - need to set up a parameters file I think Local execution: -Dhost=localhost

The saucerest library has been added to the pom.xml so we can set a pass or fail in the saucelabs dashboard instead of just showing as "Finished"

Example saucelabs and sauce labs mobile parameter set to use (tested) -ea -Dhost=saucelabs -Dplatform="Windows 8.1" -Dbrowser="chrome" -DbrowserVersion=41 -ea -Dhost=saucelabs-mobile -Dplatform="android" -DplatformVersion="5.0" -ea -Dhost="saucelabs-mobile" -Dbuild="debug1" -Dplatform="Linux" -DplatformVersion="5.1" -Dbrowser="Android"

Note that click and tap check if the constant host is set to "saucelabs-mobile" or not and then either perform a click or a tap This means that click and tap can be used interchangeably

MAVEN SUREFIRE PLUGIN: Used to execute tests and execute in parallel - pom.xml updated as per Chapter 14 Run as Maven configuration with Surefire:test as the option with any command line parameters This can be run in Jenkins also Report is output to target/surefire folder, look for reports and index.html

TFS INTEGRATION: Requires ultimate version of intelliJ

DATA PROVISIONING: Basic example set up with a test in TestLogin Next step is to use apache poi to read all data and store it, then to access it via a loop in TestLogin. Check TOD0s

TEST REPORTS: run configuration = site:site or just surefire-report:report

Categories set up using Maven surefire - Smoke & Deep categories can be applied to individual @Test or classes To run only a subset of tests, use -Dgroups=tests.groups.Smoke or -Dgroups=tests.groups.Deep otherwise all will be run as default (specified in the pom.xml) can also use -Dgroups=tests.groups.Shallow,test.groups.Deep

@Override annotation was added to the staring method in tests/ (book does not have this but video walkthrough does and without it, saucelabs tests show as "unnamed job" and don't have a "pass" or "fail"

See Chapter 13 to run tests in saucelabs for applications behind a firewall