
IRC Texas Holdem Poker Dealer

Primary LanguagePython

#    Copyright (C) 2004-2006 Paul Rotering
#    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
#    it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
#    the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
#    (at your option) any later version.
#    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
#    but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
#    GNU General Public License for more details.
#    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
#    along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
#    Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA
Please send any questions or comments to protering@users.sourceforge.net.

Modify pytbot.ini to point to the database and IRC server you want to

All dealer commands are of the form 'p cmd [arg1 [arg2]]'.  'p help'
gives a list of most commands.  ***Please note that many IRC servers
using flood protection will kick pytbot if users ask for help (or even
if the game is moving quickly!).  It works best if you can get an
admin of the server to turn off flood protection for the bot.***

Here are the SQL queries used to create the tables pytbot expects to see:

create table action (timestamp bigint unsigned not null, player
varchar(16) not null, channel varchar(20) not null, position smallint
not null, preflop varchar(10), flop varchar(10), turn varchar(10),
river varchar(10), bankroll int unsigned, action int unsigned default
0, winnings int unsigned default 0, cards varchar(11), primary key
(timestamp, player));

create table tournies (timestamp bigint unsigned unique not null,
channel varchar(20) not null, numplayers smallint unsigned not null,
player1 varchar(16), player2 varchar(16), player3 varchar(16), player4
varchar(16), player5 varchar(16), player6 varchar(16), player7
varchar(16), player8 varchar(16), player9 varchar(16), player10
varchar(16), player11 varchar(16), player12 varchar(16), player13
varchar(16), player14 varchar(16), player15 varchar(16), player16
varchar(16), player17 varchar(16), player18 varchar(16), player19
varchar(16), player20 varchar(16), player21 varchar(16), player22
varchar(16), player23 varchar(16), primary key (timestamp, channel));

create table hands (timestamp bigint unsigned unique not null
references decks.timestamp, channel varchar(16) not null, tourney
integer unsigned, game integer unsigned not null, plflop smallint
unsigned default 0, potflop int unsigned default 0,plturn smallint
unsigned default 0, potturn int unsigned default 0,plriver smallint
unsigned default 0, potriver int unsigned default 0,plshow smallint
unsigned default 0, potshow int unsigned default 0, board varchar(13),
primary key (timestamp, channel));

create table decks (timestamp bigint unsigned unique not null, channel
varchar(20) not null, c1 char(2) not null, c2 char(2) not null, c3
char(2) not null, c4 char(2) not null, c5 char(2) not null, c6 char(2)
not null, c7 char(2) not null, c8 char(2) not null, c9 char(2) not
null, c10 char(2) not null, c11 char(2) not null, c12 char(2) not
null, c13 char(2) not null, c14 char(2) not null, c15 char(2) not
null, c16 char(2) not null, c17 char(2) not null, c18 char(2) not
null, c19 char(2) not null, c20 char(2) not null, c21 char(2) not
null, c22 char(2) not null, c23 char(2) not null, c24 char(2) not
null, c25 char(2) not null, c26 char(2) not null, c27 char(2) not
null, c28 char(2) not null, c29 char(2) not null, c30 char(2) not
null, c31 char(2) not null, c32 char(2) not null, c33 char(2) not
null, c34 char(2) not null, c35 char(2) not null, c36 char(2) not
null, c37 char(2) not null, c38 char(2) not null, c39 char(2) not
null, c40 char(2) not null, c41 char(2) not null, c42 char(2) not
null, c43 char(2) not null, c44 char(2) not null, c45 char(2) not
null, c46 char(2) not null, c47 char(2) not null, c48 char(2) not
null, c49 char(2) not null, c50 char(2) not null, c51 char(2) not
null, c52 char(2) not null, PRIMARY KEY (timestamp, channel));

create table roster (timestamp bigint unsigned unique not null primary
key REFERENCES decks(timestamp), numplayers smallint unsigned not
null, player1 varchar(16), player2 varchar(16), player3 varchar(16),
player4 varchar(16), player5 varchar(16), player6 varchar(16), player7
varchar(16), player8 varchar(16), player9 varchar(16), player10
varchar(16), player11 varchar(16), player12 varchar(16), player13
varchar(16), player14 varchar(16), player15 varchar(16), player16
varchar(16), player17 varchar(16), player18 varchar(16), player19
varchar(16), player20 varchar(16), player21 varchar(16), player22
varchar(16), player23 varchar(16));

create table player(nick varchar(9) unique not null primary key,
password varchar(13) not null, bankroll int unsigned not null default
1000, rebuys int unsigned not null default 0, created datetime not