Build Status

Basic Scala Api Application

Starting Locally

Docker Compose



Can start by using docker compose, but the issue here is that the schema might not be applied. This is due to the limitations of docker compose not waiting for the db to be up applying flyway.

docker-compose up

Alternatively use (SBT Docker Compose Plugin)[]

sbt dockerComposeUp


docker-compose down --volumes
sbt dockerComposeStop

Starting Manually


sbt run


sbt test dockerComposeTest

If the integration tests are broken and you want to debug see here

Generate Swagger Json

  • TODO: Create SBT Plugin
brew install swagger-codegen
swagger-codegen generate -i swagger/api.yaml -l swagger -o public/

Some Useful Docker Commands

Clear out old docker images

docker rmi $(docker images --filter "dangling=true" -q --no-trunc) 
docker system prune
docker images prune

Clear out the exited containers

docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)

List docker images

docker images -a

List docker containers

docker ps -a

Docker Volume

docker volume ls
docker volume prune

Docker network

docker network ls
docker inspect <NETWORK_HASH>

Test Coverage

Investigate if IT tests are covered as part of it.

sbt coverage test dockerComposeTest coverageReport

TODO - Upgrades

  • Play 2.6
  • Akka 2.5
  • SBT 1.X
  • Scala 2.12
  • codahale 4.X