This is a project that demonstrates spring web application with no xml. A war is created in the target directory. Jax-rs annotations are used for the mvc framework the same as dropwizard.

There is a property placeholder seen in resources/ simply to demonstrate this.

There is a jetty plugin to run the project from maven mvn jetty:run

There is also a tomcat plugin, this is used in integration-tests as to demonstrate both jetty and tomcat.

Cucumber .feature files are executed in the integration-test phase. Embedded Tomcat plugin starts on port 8181 before this.

Unlike dropwizard there is no embedded jetty, that means the war would have to be deployed to tomcat. This is not to say that we can embed a jetty server and jar it up. Looking online tomcat seems to have better latency but jetty is better for scalability. I'm still trying to find a good article that compares both using java 7.

There are a lot more features, such as filters (again no xml as servlets 3.0 is used), shiro/spring security, Argument resolvers, AOP, profiles (mock, prod etc) and so on. To keep this as minimal as possible I ommited these as there is no content in the application except the /healthcheck endpoint

There are two ways to build

  • maven make sure maven 3.0.5 is installed mvn clean install

  • gradle in the root directory execute....

    //to use the gradle version in script ./gradlew wrapper //Downloads the gradle version in script ./gradlew init //runs unit tests, starts application and runs cucumber tests) ./gradlew test acceptanceTestsLocal

    open in your favourite ide ./gradlew idea (generates idea files) ./gradlew eclipse (generates the eclipse files)