OpenFGA in LXD


Run the OpenFGA server with docker:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -p 8081:8081 -p 3000:3000 openfga/openfga run

Run the tests:

go test -v .

To iterate, edit the model in lxd.openfga, then run make update-openfga, and re-run the tests.

Existing model proposal


  1. Follows current RBAC model closely (except for adding more fine-grained permissions for network ACLs and network zones).
  2. Relies on the creation of an "admin" group which is not stated in model.
  3. Following the guides on the OpenFGA website, in most cases we should be able to check permissions with a single question: Can user U perform action A on object O? However, in the current model we need to check: Does user U have relation member with group admin OR can user U perform action A on object O?
  4. Juju model has 157 entitlements (relations). LXD may not be quite as complicated as Juju but the current model is not a fine-grained as it maybe should be.

Proposed model

See lxd.openfga. In the Canonical terminology:

  • Resources: These are types.
  • Entitlements: Any relation that looks like can_do_thing.
  • Roles: These are relations like admin, manager, or operator that are referenced by other relations and relations of child resources.
  • Users: This is also a type that represents a single user. Users can be granted direct access on all entitlements.
  • Groups: This is a type that has a direct relation member to user. Groups can also be granted direct access on all entitlements.

Some key points:

  • A top level type server is created, representing a LXD server or cluster.
  • The relation admin defined on server grants edit permissions on every resource in the cluster.
  • The relation operator defined on server grants permissions to create and manage projects, but not to edit the cluster itself.
  • The relation viewer defined on server grants permission to view all cluster resources.
  • The relation user is a type bound public access for any authenticated user. This should be used for the /1.0 endpoint (server:can_view_server).
  • There are then a number of relations allowing creation of specific resources. For example, a group with server:operator privileges could be granted access to manage certificates with the tuple:
User: group:operators#member
Relation: can_create_certificates
Object: server:lxd
  • Generally, if a resource does not have any child resources then it has manager, viewer, can_edit, and can_view. manager and viewer are added to allow access to a resource via a direct access. can_edit and can_view are the relations we will perform checks against. These relations usually contain an inherited relation from a parent.
  • The project type follows a similar pattern to server in that there is a manager who can edit the project and all resources within, an operator who can create resources within the project but not edit the project configuration, and a viewer who can view all project resources but not edit them. There are also a number of relations for creating specific kinds of resources within a project.
  • When permitting a user or group the manager or operator relation on a project, we also need to give them server:viewer so that they can view say a cluster group and be able to target it when creating an instance.
  • The instance type contains a number of extra relations representing actions that can be performed on an instance:
    1. manager can perform any action on an instance.
    2. operator can change the instance state and manage backups/snapshots, but cannot edit instance config.
    3. viewer can view the instance config.
    4. user can interact with the instance via file push/pull, sftp, console, and exec. (E.g. ssh access but better).

Use cases

  • server:admin creates a project and grants a group project:operator permission on that project (plus server:viewer). Members of the group can create and manage resources in the project but cannot change project configuration (which could escalate privileges).
  • project:operator creates an instance and grants a user instance:user permission. The user can connect to the instance but not edit it.

General questions

  1. What happens when the authentication method changes?
  2. If not using Canonical OpenFGA, how does an administrator change permissions for a user or group?

Questions about proposed model

  1. What name do we give the top-level server object? Or is there a way to make it singular?
  2. What to do about operations and warnings? a. Which users can cancel an operation? (My guess is project:operator but maybe we just have it as server:user, since you must have received a UUID from a protected endpoint? b. Should all users be able to view operations? c. Who needs to view cluster warnings? Who needs to access project specific warnings?