
Scripts for building a Vagrant VM for Heroku's Cedar-14 stack (Ubuntu 14.04, Postgres 9.4, ruby, rubygems, imagemagick)

Primary LanguageShell

Vagrant Heroku Cedar-14 Box

Based off project: https://github.com/jackdb/pg-app-dev-vm

  • Ubuntu 14.04
  • PosgreSQL 9.4
  • NodeJS 0.10.25 (for ExecJS)
  • Ruby (currently 2.1.5)
  • Rubygems (currently 2.2.2)
  • Imagemagick
  • Phantomjs (for poltergeist gem)

This box is published in Atlas as 'lazygray/heroku-cedar-14' and can be used simply by adding config.vm.box = 'lazygray/heroku-cedar-14' to your Vagrantfile.