- 0
Feature Request: Integration with Ollama
#97 opened by gwpl - 1
Extract activation from lower audio layers
#90 opened by seunggookim - 1
error when initializing the model
#96 opened by sivannavis - 6
- 0
Dependency conflict with Tensorflow 2.5.x
#82 opened by jonnor - 4
m1 macos installation problem
#89 opened by yy945635407 - 1
- 4
- 0
Clarification on input representation
#92 opened by alisonbma - 0
Breaks with librosa 0.9.x
#85 opened by jonnor - 0
Export OpenL3 as TF/TF-Lite model
#87 opened by mattiacampana - 0
Numerical errors in hop_len due to rounding
#81 opened by turian - 0
Add note to docs about embeddings changing after tensorflow 2 / kapre + librosa upgrade
#80 opened by beasteers - 0
Migrate from Travis CI to GitHub Actions
#79 opened by auroracramer - 0
Add Action for running US8K benchmark
#78 opened by auroracramer - 0
Make linear frontend consistent with mel
#77 opened by auroracramer - 0
- 0
- 1
- 2
Drop support for Python 2.x
#45 opened by auroracramer - 16
- 1
- 3
- 1
API docs broken
#71 opened by auroracramer - 7
- 1
Expected new release
#67 opened by JNaranjo-Alcazar - 1
git clone pulls weight files as well by default
#70 opened by beasteers - 2
Pretrained fusion layers
#58 opened by adrienchaton - 0
- 14
PyTorch models
#35 opened by sainathadapa - 1
cant isntall openl3 in my ubuntu system
#57 opened by LongYin-Guo - 1
Bug in CLI centering?
#56 opened by turian - 4
pip error when installing
#50 opened by hugofloresgarcia - 0
Pytorch version
#54 opened by turian - 1
- 1
Disable logging
#51 opened by turian - 2
Failed to construct network. Tried both Tensorflow 2.0.0 and 1.9.5, Keras2.3.1 and 2.2.5
#43 opened by zhao-shuyang - 1
Explicitly require tensorflow < 2.0
#42 opened by auroracramer - 8
- 3
Unable to find models
#40 opened by happypanda5 - 26
Implement image embedding API
#19 opened by auroracramer - 10
Add batch processing mode
#26 opened by auroracramer - 1
memory continue growing when get_embedding
#38 opened by jiqiujia - 1
Streaming / real-time usage?
#36 opened by jonnor - 4
conda-forge packaging?
#30 opened by bmcfee - 4
API reference in documentation missing
#28 opened by jonnor - 2
About pre-trained model and paper
#21 opened by bearsroom - 4
- 1
[Q] Audio chunk duration greater than 1 second
#24 opened by bbruhh - 2
why I can't install openl3 now?
#20 opened by zsmj610