- andreasjanssonReplicate
- aslotnickNew York
- bmcfeeNew York University
- ejhumphreyeSpark Learning
- fly51flyPRIS
- hadware@bootphon CoML
- handcraftedcode1Phoenix, AZ
- hibiarataKallasCommunio
- jacobdeinKnoxville, Tennessee
- jared-mackeyUtah, USA
- jeremywenOhio
- jfsantos@NVIDIA
- jhoelzlGraz, Austria
- justinsalamonAdobe Research
- jvbalen
- kcobraShanghai
- keunwoochoiGenentech
- LilithWittmannBerlin, Germany
- lostanlenCNRS
- markostam
- naokoQuanata LLC
- nicolamontecchioSpotify
- ningxiaUniversity of Notre Dame
- peterhavenerUSA
- RahulShivkumar
- rensjaspers@orfeusbv
- robotncNationalChip
- SeanNaren@NVIDIA
- soroushmehrMicrosoft Research (prev. Maluuba and MILA-UdeM)
- tshields44
- tspannhwPrincipal Developer Advocate
- urinietoAdobe Research
- uu-dou
- vyraunMicrosoft
- yomguyParisson