
Homogeneous linear system of ODEs in two dimensions.

Primary LanguagePython

Linear ODEs in 2D

This program is an interactive plot of two coupled homogeneous linear differential equations. To use this program, you first need to have Python 3 with Tkinter, Matplotlib, and Numpy. You must then download or clone this repository and then run tk_app.py.

On the top-right corner of the plot are the two coupled linear ODEs that describe this system. They are controlled by the parameters a, b, c, and d, which can be changed by using the a, b, c, or d sliders located on the right side of the window. To plot a sample trajectory, click anywhere on the plot in order to specify its initial conditions.



Strogatz, S. (2015). Linear Systems. In Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos, With Applications to Physics, Chemistry, and Engineering, chapter 5. Routledge.