
A CYOA (=text adventure game) Javascript Framework.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

A Javascript framework to easily write text adventures.

Have fun with it.



  • Inventory system.

  • "Go back" button (adjusting the game state accordingly!).

  • Load/save system.

  • Auto-redirect to episodes (and can manage circular redirects).

  • Safeguards (auto-detect duplicate episode names, detect paths that leads nowhere…​)

  • Vanilla Javascript.


A sample game illustrating all the features.

Base Fonctions

episode : this is the base function to create an episode. An episode is a reusable "step" in the player’s adventure. It’s usually a location ("in front of the cave") or an event ("meeting with the king"). A game is usually composed of multiple episodes, inside of which there is text, links, scripts…​

The structure is as follow:

    key: "uniqueIdentifierOfTheEpisode",
    title: () => `The title of this episode (for instance "Arrival in the village")`,
    text: () => `This is the description of this episode (location, player actions...).`
    ,links: [
            {label: () => `This is a link to another episode.`,
            path: "anotherEpisode"},
            {label: () => `This is a second link.`,
            path: "aThirdEpisode"}
    ,image: "imageFileName.png"
    ,revisit:"aFourthEpisode" // Episode to redirect to if we already have visited this episode

setGameTitle : give a title to the game. Will be used as a title in the web browser. Will also be used internally to distinguish saves between games.


Those are the functions that you can use in episodes, for instance to give player an item or to modify a variable.

giveToPlayer : giveToPlayer({key:"uniqueIdOfTheObjectType", name:"name of the object", description:"description of the object that will be displayed in the inventory panel.", amount:99});. Adds or removes (by using a negative number) an object to the player’s inventory. The action of giving or taking will be highlighted in the inventory.

Exemple, giving player some money:

    key: "goToTheTempAgency",
    title: `Go to the temp agency.`,
    text:`You work and earn ***50 euros***.`
    ,commands: () => {
		    giveToPlayer({key:"euros", name:"Euros", description:"Some euros.", amount:50});

giveSilentlyToPlayer : giveSilentlyToPlayer({key:"uniqueIdOfTheObjectType", name:"name of the object", description:"description of the object that will be displayed in the inventory panel.", amount:99});. Same as giveToPlayer but won’t be highlighted in the inventory. Usueful when you want to give something discretely, for instance at the start of the adventure.

addLink : addLink({label: Label of the link., path: "pathOfTheLink"});. Adds a link. If it already exists, won’t be added again.

addText : addText(Nouveau texte !);. Adds a text to the end of the current episode or a specified episode.

setVariable : setVariable("nomDeMaVariable", 18);. Assigns a value to a new variable or modifies an existing variable.

getNumberOf : getNumberOf("pioche"). Returns the number of the specified object the player possesses. Useful for setting conditions, for example, "if the player has at least 4 sticks, then…​".

getNumberOfVisits : Returns the number of previous visits to the current episode.

replaceAllLinks : replaceAllLinks({label: Nouveau lien., path: "cheminDuNouveauLien"});. Removes all existing links in the episode and replaces them with new ones.

remplaceAllText : remplaceAllText(Nouveau texte !);. Replaces all text in the current episode or a specified episode.

showVariable : showVariable("nomVariable"). Returns a variable value.

variable : variable("nomVariable") ou variable("nomVariable", "nouvelleValeur"). Returns the value of a variable OR modifies a variable. Shorthand notation for showVar and updateVar.


CC0 License under French law.