
Welcome to my world

Primary LanguageVim Script

Endless thank yous to my friends at Ello and Mode Set for the not-so-basic configs. I've layered a few of my own on top of this. See below for an overview of the magic...


We ♥ the Vim.

Fresh install

Warning this will blow away any vim/bash setups you have currently. You may want to back up existing files.

  1. xcode-select --install
  • /bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  • brew install git
  • cd to the dotfiles directory and bin/install world
  • Set reasonable OSX defaults


Rock a sweet Bash setup

The Bash setup is fairly bare bones out of the box. To override or add any additional settings create a ~/.bashrc.local file and add any customization.

Within this file you should have the following environment variables set:

  export GIT_AUTHOR_NAME='Your Name'
  export GIT_AUTHOR_EMAIL='your@email'
  export GIT_COMMITTER_NAME='Your Name'
  export GIT_COMMITTER_EMAIL='your@email'
  export GITHUB_USER='Your GitHub Username'

Since the .gitconfig file does not contain any user info, these are required to identify who you are.

The default Bash settings support the rbenv environment.

Override vim settings

To override or add any additional settings create a ~/.vimrc.local file and add any customization.


Install polarized terminal theme

Included is a polarized.terminal color theme. Import this theme into Apple's Terminal.app and set it as the default.

Mouse support for Terminal

To get full mouse support (scrolling, clicking, etc...) within Terminal Vim, install the SIMBL MouseTerm plug-in. It brings the goodness.