
A basic slackbot for fetching the weather

Primary LanguageClojure


A basic slack integration for fetching the weather


You will need Leiningen 2.0.0 or above installed.

You'll also need access to a Slack organization where you have permission to create a webhook, as well as an API key for OpenWeatherMap

Running Locally

To start a web server for the application, run:

lein ring server

Running in Production

To deploy and run in your own Slack organization, first clone this repository:

git clone git@github.com:marlabrizel/slack-weather.git

You'll then need to create a profiles.clj in your project root. You'll store your own api key for OpenWeatherMap's Current Weather API in here plus your Slack webhook and authentication token. See below for a sample profiles.clj

   {:api-key "OPEN_WEATHER_API_KEY"
    :hook-url "SLACK_HOOK_URL"
    :auth-token "SLACK_AUTH_TOKEN"}}}

Once you've set up your profiles.clj, you'll need to deploy the service somewhere. I like Heroku because it's free for the basic tier, plus they offer well-documented Clojure support. If you prefer something else, go nuts.


Copyright © 2016 Marla Brizel