Getting Started with the engineering challenge.

Thanks for taking the time to complete the code challenge. Don't worry, it's not too hard, and please do not spend more than an hour or two. We know you have lots of these to do, and it can be very time consuming.

The biggest factor will be your code:

  1. How readable, is your code.
  2. Scalability.
  3. Are there any bugs.


You will be creating an API for a task application.

  1. This application will have tasks with four different states:
    • To do
    • In Progress
    • Done
    • Archived
  2. Each task should contain: Title, Description, and what the current status is.
  3. A task can be archived and moved between columns, or statuses.
  4. The endpoint for tasks should only display tasks for those users who have authenticated and are authorized to view their tasks.


  • Typescript
  • Tests
  • Dockerized Application

Extra credit

  • Apollo Server GraphQL
  • Logging