
My todo list in node.js (express) and mongoDB.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


My todo list in node.js (express) and mongoDB.

Want to implement basic authentication. Later authentication using facebook/github/google oauth. And with that implemented even try to implement my own oauth2 authentication.

Tasks can have deadlines, priority, predicted time to accomplish, defined project, real time to accomplish, done/in progress/blocked/not started. Task can have tags and special requirements.

Statistics for tags, projects. Predicted time and real time in minutes/pomodoros. Statistic for each day. How productive day was.

Listing todos according to priority, deadlines, status, size, tags, proejcts, special requirements.

Lucky task. Select task according to priority/deadline/predicted time. Available some skips.

Generating .xls with tasks and time spend on them on each month for contract.

First part: REST API for todos

Second part: Progressive web app. Use modernizr, service worker, push notifications.

Additions: Pomodoro timer.

Technologies i want to learn by doing this project:

  • configure nice gulp file for this apps (SASS etc.)
  • use webpack for client side js
  • babel for ES6
  • create basic yo generator for similar apps
  • swig for templates
  • configure linters for VS Code
  • tests with Tape
  • sails as nice node.js framework for app/ express for api
  • postman for testing API
  • check bower

Other cool tools for another projects:

  • metalsmith as ssg
  • keystoneJS as cms