index.html -- Welcome page for site, login form

*LoginPage -- read user/pass and track user; use HTTP POST
*Logout -- log user out and redirect them to index.html

home -- random titles; movie by genre; movie by title

*ListResults -- displays outcome of search with list of movies, links to movies/stars; sorting and divide by page
  //Contains static functions for Search Box; Browse Categories; Listing actors and movies;
  arg="search string"
  order=["t_a"|"t_d"|"y_a"|"y_d"] //title/year ascending/descending
  page=# //page number starting at 1
  rpp=# //results per page

advSearch -- similar to listResults but with more options fed into it

*MovieDetails -- info; links to stars

*StarDetails -- info; links to movies

Cart -> Cust. Info. -> Confirmation

Possible Steps:
(* Working Code In Place)
*Implement the "Login" Page;
Implement the "Search" Page;
*Implement the "Movie list" page, including the "Sorting" and "Prev/Next" features;
*Implement the "Single Movie" page;
*Implement the "Single Star" page;
*Implement the "Browsing by movie genre" page;
*Implement the "Browsing by movie title" page;
Add a "Add to Shopping Cart" button to each movie on all pages;
Add a "Checkout" button to all pages;
Implement the page to do checkout.