Anopheles Genome Environment Associations

This repository contains a comprehensive compilation of code and expalantory visualization associated with the paper: Genome-environment Association Methods Comparison Indicates Omnigenic Adaptation to Ecological Niche in Malaria Vector Mosquitoes

Visualizations of processes described in the paper

Confirm convergence of BayeScEnv MCMC chains using the R package coda

Optimize mtry for each independent r2VIM run

Perform 'repeated correlations' simple, intuitive GEA testing approach

Vetting process using allele frequency patterns from independent genetic sampling efforts

Testing the effect of spatial and genomic autocorrelation of dependent variable on GEA results

Identify sets of genes associated with each outlier SNP dataset, and test for significant overrepresentation of the a priori identified desiccation-tolerance candidate genes from Ayala et al. (2019)

Access candidate gene datasets