
ActiveMessaging moved from google code - this will be the latest and greatest

Primary LanguageRuby

ActiveMessaging is an attempt to bring the simplicity and elegance of rails development to the world of messaging. Messaging, (or event-driven architecture) is widely used for enterprise integration, with frameworks such as Java's JMS, and products such as ActiveMQ, Tibco, IBM MQSeries, etc.

ActiveMessaging is a generic framework to ease using messaging, but is not tied to any particular messaging system - in fact, it now has support for Stomp, Amazon Simple Queue Service (SQS), Beanstalk, JMS (using StompConnect or [JMSWithJRuby direct on JRuby]), WebSphere MQ, and the all-Ruby ReliableMessaging.

Here's a sample of a processor class that handles incoming messages:

    class HelloWorldProcessor < ActiveMessaging::Processor

    subscribes_to :hello_world

    def on_message(message)
    puts "received: " + message


h1. Support

Best bet is the google groups mailing list:


h1. Fork Details

This fork adds the ability to specify a dead letter queue prefix so instead of all messages going to 1 dead letter queue, each message will go to a dead letter queue that is based on the deadLetterQueuePrefix configuration property and the originating queue. 

For example, if you specific a deadLetterQueuePrefix of "DLQ." in your broker.yml and the originating queue is /queue/myqueue then the dead letter queue will be /queue/DLQ.myqueue