
simple video player for react native based on react-native-video

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Currently a Simple video player for react native based on react-native-video. Aiming to become a full featured video player with a clean and customizable UI, on top of a simple and extensible API.


Install the required peer dependencies. follow their install instructions

npm install react-native-modern-video-player


The main 2 exports are the VideoPlayer component which is an uncontrolled component which wraps the Video component from react-native-video. the other is the VideoPlayerProvider.

import { VideoPlayer, VideoPlayerProvider } from 'react-native-modern-video-player';

const url = 'YOUR_VIDEO_URL';

const App = () => {
    return (
            <View style={{ marginVertical: 6, width, height: (width * 9) / 16 }}>
                <VideoPlayer src={url} />

The src prop is a convinent shorthand which accepts the video URL as string. which should be sufficient in most cases. You can still pass the source prop for the video component from react-native-video directly to have more control. If both props were passed, the source prop will override src.

You can wrap one or more VideoPlayer components inside a VideoPlayerProvider to control the state of which video is currently playing. it makes sure only one video is playing in a list of videos (inside a timeline feed for example). take a look at the example app to see how this works.


VideoPlayerProvider props

prop type default value description
shouldPlay Function (src: string) => true determines whether the video about to be played should be played or not. this function is called prior to chaning the played video src or its reference is changed. this gives the control to the parent component to control the state of which video to be played. check the guides below for some usecases.
autoplay String or Null null value for the src or source prop values for the video to start playback automatically automatically when the component is mounted.

VideoPlayer props

The VideoPlayer components accepts all of the props passed to the Video component from react-native-video, in addition to the following props:

prop type default value description
src String Required default value video url as a string. this is a shortcut convinent prop for simple cases of having one video url. you can still use the source prop from react-native-video as documented their. but either one of src or source prop from react-native-video must be used. source will override src if both are provided. if none of them are provided or src is provided with a value other than a primitive string, the VideoPlayer component will render nothing and throws an error in development
onNextVideo Function Optional undefined call back function which is triggered on pressing the next button
onPreviousVideo Function Optional undefined call back function which is triggered on pressing the previous button
iOSNativeControls boolean false whether to use iOS native controls or VideoPlayer custom controls. setting this prop with true makes the video player component uncontrolled
showSkipButtons boolean optional true whether to display the skip buttons or not
skipInterval number optional 10 number of seconds to seek forward or backwards upon pressing the skip buttons
hideControlsTimeout number optional 4000 time in ms before hiding the controls. Controls will not hide if the video is paused.


Stop playing when the VideoPlayer gets out of view when inside a FlatList

We get the currently viewable items from the flatlist, and control video playback using the shouldPlay prop on the VideoPlayerProvider component.

const { width } = Dimensions.get('window');

// some long list of videos
const videos = [
    { src: 'VIDEO_URL', poster: 'POSTER_IMAGE' },
    // ...etc

const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    videoWrapper: { height: (width * 9) / 16 },
    separator: { height: 12 },

const App = () => {
    const [viewableItems, setViewableItems] = useState<string[]>([]);

    const handleViewableItemsChange = useMemo(
        () => ({ viewableItems: newViewableItems }) => {
            setViewableItems(newViewableItems.map((i: ViewToken) => i.key));

    const shouldPlayVideo = useCallback(
        (src: string | null) => {
            return !!src && viewableItems.includes(src);

    return (
        <VideoPlayerProvider shouldPlay={shouldPlayVideo}>
                keyExtractor={(item) => item.src}
                renderItem={({ item }) => (
                    <View style={styles.videoWrapper}>
                        <VideoPlayer src={item.src} poster={item.poster} />

Usage with React Navigation

When using React Navigation, Navigating away from a screen with a playing VideoPlayer component, the playback won't stop automatically because the compnent is still rendered in the background and not unmounted. Since the VideoPlayerProvider component will call the provided shouldPlay function when its reference change, we can fix this problem by leveraging the useIsFocused hook from React Navigation, and check whether the screen is currently focused or not to play/stop video playback.

    const isFocused = useIsFocused();
    const shouldPlayVideo = useCallback(() => isFocused, [isFocused]);

If the VideoPlayer is in a list as in the previous example, we can combine both checks in the shouldPlayVideo function from the previous example as follows:

    const shouldPlayVideo = useCallback(
        (src: string | null) => {
            return isFocused && !!src && viewableItems.includes(src);
        [viewableItems, isFocused],


  • Seek bar functionality
  • Simplify code and Write tests.
  • Subtitles support.
  • Playback rate UI.
  • Theming - customizing styling


See the contributing guide to learn how to contribute to the repository and the development workflow.
