
AdminBundle - The missing Symfony2 Admin Generator

Primary LanguagePHPOtherNOASSERTION

SonataAdminBundle - The missing Symfony2 Admin Generator

Build Status

The online documentation of the bundle is in http://sonata-project.org/bundles/admin

The demo website can be found in http://demo.sonata-project.org/admin/dashboard (admin as user and password)

For contribution to the documentation you can find it on Resources/doc.

Warning: documentation files are not rendering correctly in Github (reStructuredText format) and some content might be broken or hidden, make sure to read raw files.

Warning: The bundle has been split into 4 bundles :

Google Groups: For questions and proposals you can post on this google groups


  • Dashboard

  • List

    • Automatic sort
    • Link to associated admin (Post => User)
    • Custom templates
    • Row Action : edit, view, ...
    • Batch Action
    • Clever row visualisation : boolean values are represented with 'check picture'
    • Filter
    • Pagination
  • Edit/Create

    • Inline edition
    • Association management (create related model with + icon)
    • Group fields
    • Sortable option
    • Modal window to select model (when the list can be important)
    • Dynamic form on [one|many]-to-many association (add new element)
  • Templating

    • base templates (field, list, filter) can be overwritten
    • layout templates can be defined into the Service Container
  • Others

    • Nested Admin, ie /news/post/5/comment/list : filter and create comments only for the post with id=5
    • Contextual Breadcrumb
    • persistent parameters across an Admin
    • side menu option
    • Translated into 24 languages : BG, CA, CS, DE, EN, ES, EU, FA, FR, HR, HU, IT, JA, LB, NL, PL, PT, PT_BR, RO, RU, SK, SL, UK and zh_CN.
    • Built to be extended
    • Explain command line utility

Usage examples


  • create the ODM version
  • save filter criteria