
Yet another branch of django-multilingual with improved and legible core.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Django Multilingual Deep Space 9

Django-multilingual-DS9 is a branch of django-multilingual, forked from django-multilingual-ng compatible with Django 1.2 and 1.3 with restructured core.

Django-multilingual-ds9 does not have to be fully compatible with django-multilingual-ng, but basic should not differ.

Some of this is now only a goal and does not have to work

Changes from django-multilingual-ng

  • Always use only languages from LANGUAGES setting
  • Database differs in changes of suffix from _translation to translation. Update your tables, indexes and sequences or alter db_table in multilingual model Meta options
  • Model structure
    • FIELD_NAME access is mostly kept. It will return translation of field for current language or None
    • FIELD_NAME_any access differs in fallback. It will return translation of field for current language or fallback language or default language or None. Fallback language code are only two lettered and are used only if available in LANGUAGES.
    • RELATED_NAME returns manager for translation model with filter to master object.
  • Queries Queries behaves as expected, lower is more a description of background
    • get/filter/exclude(FIELD_NAME) creates LEFT OUTER JOIN to translation table with condition for language and required filter. Take care if you are using FIELD_NAME__isnull=True lookup, because this query returns both objects with missing translations and objects with missing field in translation.
    • order_by/values/values_list(FIELD_NAME) works same as filter-like queries. Remember that these will keep objects with no translation in result set unless you manually remove them.
    • select_related(RELATED_NAME) does what expected, tries to cache translation in other query
    • get/filter/exclude(RELATED_NAME) selection by existence and parameters of whole translation object
  • Administration
    • search_fields does not handle FIELD_NAME_LANGCODE, you need to use regular foreign key lookup RELATED_NAME__FIELD_NAME

Old features

I have not yet decided what to do with following features:

  • Model structure
    • FIELD_NAME_language access is mostly kept. It will return translation of field for current language or None
  • Queries Queries behaves as expected, lower is more a description of background
    • get/filter/exclude(FIELD_NAME_lanaguge) creates LEFT OUTER JOIN to translation table with condition for language and required filter.
    • order_by/values/values_list(FIELD_NAME_language) works same as filter-like queries.


You may see tests for more specific usage

from django import models
from multilingual import MultilingualModel

class Example(MultilingualModel):
    some_field = models.IntegerField()

    class Translation:
        trans_field = models.CharField(max_length=20)

e = Example.objects.create()
# get translation for current language
# get translation with fallback

# returns all translation objects

# Filter objects by translation field
qs = Example.objects.filter(trans_field='some')
#!! This will return objects with no translation and objects with missing trans_field translation
qs = Example.objects.filter(trans_field__isnull=True)
#!! This also may contain several None objects if translations are missing
qs = Example.objects.values_list('trans_field', flat=True)

# Get object with translation in one query
# Get objects with missing translation

# Change current language
from django.utils.translation import activate

# Force usage of specific language in multilingual code
from multilingual import language


To run tests for multilingual just set

TEST_RUNNER = 'multilingual.tests.MultilingualTestSuiteRunner'

in your settings. And run in your project

python manage.py test multilingual