
Primary LanguagePython

Script for pwning #linkomanija quiz

Script consits of two parts:
 * mining questions from #mokslas log stored online
 * script for xchat for answer suggestion/auto answer

Mining uses scrappy and mines data from http://irclogs.manoerdve.com/log/2009-01-17/mokslas/
It goes through all links ending mokslas/$ and parses questions/answers to items

XChat script after question from Anna parses questions, searches for it in questions database
and tries to match question by approximate string matching (thanks to Levenshtein). Then prints best
possible match.

Mining requirements:
 * scrapy (pip install scrapy)

xchat script requirements:
 * Levenshtein (sudo apt-get install python-levenshtein)

== Running crawler ==

Running crawler (mining):
 scrapy crawl viktorina --set FEED_URI=questions.csv --set FEED_FORMAT=csv

Additional data processing (removes non printable characters, remove duplicate lines):
 cat questions.csv | tr -dc "[:alnum:][:space:][:punct:]" | sort | uniq > questions.csv

== Running xchat script ==
 /py load <path>autoanswer.py

Credits to Viki http://code.google.com/p/annaircbot/ for writing bot