
Beautiful Jekyll was initially developed as a GitHub Pages theme that was meant to be used via forking, but several years later GitHub released the remote themes feature that allows you to use a theme on any GitHub repository. For full details, you should read GitHub’s documentation on remote themes, but here is a summary of the steps required:

  1. Create a new GitHub repository (or go to an existing repository).
  2. Add remote_theme: daattali/beautiful-jekyll@6.0.1 to your _config.yml file (remove any previous theme or remote_theme parameters that may have been there before).
  3. Go to Settings, click on the Pages tab on the left side, select “master” (or “main”) in the Branch section, and click Save.
  4. Your website will be at
  5. Go through Beautiful Jekyll’s _config.yml file and copy any settings you want to use into your project’s config file.
  6. Some config features will not work immediately because of missing files that you’ll need to copy from Beautiful Jekyll into your project:
    • To enable the tags index page, you need to copy tags.html.
    • To enable the RSS feed, copy feed.xml.
    • If you use staticman comments, copy staticman.yml and _data/ui-text.yml.
  7. If you want the home page to include a feed of all blog posts, create an index.html file and use layout: home in its YAML.

If at any point in the future you want to update to a newer version of Beautiful Jekyll, you can simply update the remote_theme or gem fields accordingly.