
Crystal prometheus exporter

Primary LanguageCrystalMIT LicenseMIT

Crystal CI


Prometheus metrics for your applications.

This is a client library based on ruby prometheus exporter, adapted for applications written in the Crystal programming language.

Allows you to collect and send Prometheus metrics to the server for further use. Supports several sets of basic metrics for some popular Crystal shards (Lucky, Kemal and Sidekiq) and custom metrics.

There is no server application in the project yet, so please use the server from the original project.


  1. Add the dependency to your shard.yml:

        github: marmaxev/prometheus-exporter
  2. Run shards install

  3. Require prometheus-exporter

    require "prometheus-exporter"


Basic example

Define the default client, register metrics and assign values to them.

The default client has localhost:9394 as the default server address.

# use a default client
client = PrometheusExporter::Client.default

# register a new count metric
counter = client.register(
  "My counter description"

# register a new gauge metric
gauge = client.register(
  "My gauge description"

# increment counter

# observe gauge metric
  value: 123.0,
  keys: { :foo => bar }

You can also observe metrics through the Client. For example:

  name: :my_gauge_name,
  value: 123.0,
  keys: { :foo => :bar }

This will allow you to get these metrics on server:

# HELP my_gauge_name My gauge description
# TYPE my_gauge_name gauge
my_gauge_name{foo="bar"} 123.0

# HELP my_counter_name My counter description
# TYPE my_counter_name counter
my_counter_name 1.0

Lucky metrics

If you use Lucky you can add a special handler to your server's middleware. Learn more about HTTP handlers in Lucky here.

# src/app_server.cr
# ...
class App < Lucky::BaseAppServer
  def middleware

      PrometheusExporter::Middleware::LuckyHttpRequestCollector.new,  # add this line

      Lucky::ErrorHandler.new(action: Errors::Show),
      Lucky::StaticFileHandler.new("./public", false),

This handler will process incoming requests and save data about their number and duration.


All metrics have a status, method and path labels.

Type Name Description
Counter http_request_count Count of http requests
Gauge http_request_duration_seconds Duration of http requests

Example of metrics for each request:

http_request_count{status="200",method="GET",path="/foo"} 1.0

http_request_duration_seconds{status="200",method="GET",path="/foo"} 0.05

Kemal metrics

If you use Kemal you can add a KemalHttpRequestCollector to server's middleware. Learn more about HTTP handlers in Kemal here.

add_handler KemalHttpRequestCollector.new

This handler will process incoming requests and save data about their number and duration.


All metrics have a status, method and path labels.

Type Name Description
Counter http_request_count Count of http requests
Gauge http_request_duration_seconds Duration of http requests

Example of metrics for each request:

http_request_count{status="200",method="GET",path="/bar"} 1.0

http_request_duration_seconds{status="200",method="GET",path="/bar"} 0.1

Sidekiq metrics

There are two sets of metrics being collected for Sidekiq.

  1. Sidekiq
  2. SidekiqStats

When you configure your sidekiq server add PrometheusExporter::Instrumentation::Sidekiq to server's middleware and start PrometheusExporter::Instrumentation::SidekiqStats.

# sidekiq.cr
# ...

cli = Sidekiq::CLI.new
server = cli.configure do |config|
  config.server_middleware.add ::PrometheusExporter::Instrumentation::Sidekiq.new # add this

PrometheusExporter::Instrumentation::SidekiqStats.start(frequency: 10) # and this



All metrics have a job_name label and a queue label.

Type Name Description
Summary sidekiq_job_duration_seconds Time spent in sidekiq jobs
Counter sidekiq_jobs_total Total number of sidekiq jobs executed
Counter sidekiq_restarted_jobs_total Total number of sidekiq jobs that we restarted because of a sidekiq shutdown
Counter sidekiq_failed_jobs_total Total number of failed sidekiq jobs


Type Name Description
Gauge sidekiq_stats_dead_size Size of the dead queue
Gauge sidekiq_stats_enqueued Number of enqueued jobs
Gauge sidekiq_stats_failed Number of failed jobs
Gauge sidekiq_stats_processed Total number of processed jobs
Gauge sidekiq_stats_processes_size Number of processes
Gauge sidekiq_stats_retry_size Size of the retries queue
Gauge sidekiq_stats_scheduled_size Size of the scheduled queue
Gauge sidekiq_stats_workers_size Number of jobs actively being processed

Process metrics

You can also get metrics for each process. To do this, start the PrometheusExporter::Instrumentation::Process.

  type: "my_process",
  frequency: 10


All metrics have a type and pid labels.

Type Name Description
Gauge rss_bytes RSS in bytes
Gauge cpu_seconds Total CPU seconds
Gauge bytes_since_gc Bytes since GC
Gauge gc_unmapped_bytes GC unmapped bytes
Gauge gc_total_bytes GC total bytes
Gauge gc_free_bytes GC free bytes
Gauge gc_heap_bytes GC heap bytes

Configure client

By default all of Instrumentations use PrometheusExporter::Client.default.

You can configure the server address and port, assign custom labels for all metrics, and specify whether the client is available for use.

PrometheusExporter::Client.default = PrometheusExporter::Client.new(
  host: "localhost",
  port: 8000,
  custom_labels: {
    :foo => "bar"
  enabled: true


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/marmaxev/prometheus-exporter/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request
