
Brings go-like channels to AngularJS.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

archived Archived Repository
This code is no longer maintained. Feel free to fork it, but use it at your own risks.


Brings channels to AngularJS.


It is available with bower:

bower install ng-channel

Then add the retrieved files to your HTML layout:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/bower_components/ng-channel/ng-channel.min.js"></script>

You can also use it with RequireJS as an AMD module.

Then add ngChannel as dependency for your AngularJS application:

var app = angular.module('YOUR_APP', ['ngChannel']);


Out of the box, ngChannel uses $$asyncCallback from angular to call asynchronously the channels' subscribers. You can provide an another by calling $channelFactory.asyncCallbackFactory(YOUR_FACTORY).


ngChannel exposes a service $channelFactory to build channels:

var channel = $channelFactory();

You can now pipe as many subscribers as you wish to your channel:

channel.pipe(function(message) {
   // message is the one broadcasted in the channel

// if you wish you can use dependency injection
channel.pipe(['myService', function(myService) {
    return function(message) {
        // This is a subscriber but you can now deal with myService

To send a message in the channel, call send method:

channel.send('Yeah Ho!');

You can also pipe a channel with others channels:

var otherChannel = $channelFactory();

otherChannel.pipe(function(message) {
   // this subcriber will also be triggered by any message send in `channel`

Furthermore you can pipe the output of a subscriber:

channel.pipe(function(message) {
    return 'Ho!'
}).pipe(function(message) {
    // message is now `Ho!`

// If you wish you can also pipe it to another channel

channel.pipe(function(message) {
    return 'Ho!'

If you just want to add several subscribers at once on the same channel, you can use pipeChain:

    .pipeChain(function(message) {
        // it will receive message from channel
    .pipeChain(function(message) {
        // it will receive message from channel and not from the previous subscriber


To rebuild the minified JavaScript you must run: make build.


Install dependencies and run the unit tests:

make install
make test-spec


All contributions are welcome and must pass the tests. If you add a new feature, please write tests for it.


This application is available under the MIT License, courtesy of marmelab.