
Web interface for browsing PHPCR repositories, using Silex and AngularJS

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

archived Archived Repository
This code is no longer maintained. Feel free to fork it, but use it at your own risks.

PHPCR Browser Build Status

PHPCR Browser provides an intuitive web interface to explore and manage PHPCR repositories. The current implementation supports Jackalope Jackrabbit and Jackalope Doctrine DBAL.


Supported Operations

Jackalope Jackrabbit:

  • Workspace: create
  • Node: create, delete, move
  • Property: create, delete, update

Jackalope Doctrine DBAL:

  • Workspace: create, delete
  • Node: create, delete, move
  • Property: create, delete, update

See marmelab/phpcr-api/config/factories.yml for more details.


PHPCR Browser uses Composer and Bower to manage its dependencies. Make sure they are globally installed before continuing.

1. Clone the repository

git clone git@github.com:marmelab/phpcr-browser.git
cd phpcr-browser

2. Install dependencies and configure the browser

To install the web application with the default configuration (see below), run the following command:

make install

This will download all dependencies and do the Configuration part for you. If you prefer do it on your own run:

make install autoconfig=false

Adding support for Jackalope Doctrine DBAL (Optionnal)

By default, the Jackalope Doctrine DBAL is not installed. If you want to use it run the following commands:

composer require jackalope/jackalope-doctrine-dbal:1.1.* --no-update
composer update jackalope/jackalope-doctrine-dbal

And update your configuration file to add your Doctrine repository by writing something equivalent to:

'My Doctrine DBAL Repository':
        factory: jackalope.doctrine-dbal
                driver: pdo_sqlite
                path: ../src/app.db
            credentials.username: admin
            credentials.password: admin

For more details on doctrine_dbal.config see Doctrine website.

You can also find this config into config/prod-with-dbal.yml.dist

Note you can install and use both Jackalope Jackrabbit and Doctrine DBAL at the same time.

You can add as many repositories as you want into your config file.


Create a config/prod.yml with the connection settings for the repositories you need to browse. For instance, to use the browser with a local instance of Jackalope Jackrabbit:

    'My Jackrabbit Repository':
        factory: jackalope.jackrabbit
            jackalope.jackrabbit_uri: 'http://localhost:8080/server'
            credentials.username: admin
            credentials.password: admin

The factory setting is the type of PHPCR repository you want to browse. See available factories in marmelab/phpcr-api/config/factories.yml.

You can also copy the config/prod.yml-dist file as config/prod.yml to get this exact configuration.

For using Jackalope Doctrine DBAL refer to Installation.


Using Apache VirtualHost

Add a VirtualHost to your Apache config (and add in it 'AllowEncodedSlashes On'):

<VirtualHost *:80>
  DocumentRoot /path/to/the/browser/web
  ServerName phpcr-browser.lo
  AllowEncodedSlashes On
  <Directory "/path/to/the/browser/web">
    AllowOverride All

And update your /etc/hosts file by adding:   phpcr-browser.lo

You can now access to the browser on http://phpcr-browser.lo (or equivalent domain as configured in your virtual host and hosts file).

Using PHP 5.4 integrated webserver

You can also use PHP 5.4 integrated webserver by calling:

$ php -S localhost:8000 -t web

Alternatively call:

$ bin/run.sh

You can now access the repository by browsing to http://localhost:8000/browser.


The PHPCR Browser AngularJS part is fully unit tested with Karma and Jasmine. If you want to run them, install dependencies by running: make install-test

Then run the following command: make test-spec


The stylesheets are compiled by Compass and Sass.

If you update the sass files, run make compass-watch during development.

When your work is done, run make compass-compile before committing.


All contributions are welcome and must pass the tests. If you add a new feature, write tests for it.


This application is available under the MIT License, courtesy of marmelab.