Create a "demo" project using the OpenShift web console.
Create a new app running the following command (we use a "demo" project for this test)
$ oc login
Set "demo" as your active project
$ oc project demo
Lets create an application from this repository (Or use your own repository copy instead of "marmendo")
$ oc new-app git://
Once the builder finished you must create the route from the command line (you can do this from the web console too)
$ oc expose service/oslog -l name=oslog
Open the the project on the OpenShift web console and wait for the builder to finish Check that the application deployment has finished.
Open a new broser tab and test the application
Refresh the page several times
Now test with log4j
Check the log contents which would look like this:
13:20:57,032 INFO [] (ServerService Thread Pool -- 38) WFLYSRV0010: Deployed "activemq-rar.rar" (runtime-name : "activemq-rar.rar")
13:20:57,608 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYSRV0060: Http management interface listening on
13:20:57,608 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYSRV0051: Admin console listening on
13:20:57,609 INFO [] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYSRV0025: JBoss EAP 7.0.0.GA (WildFly Core 2.1.2.Final-redhat-1) started in 14594ms - Started 415 of 810 services (504 services are lazy, passive or on-demand)
13:22:52,531 INFO [stdout] (default task-1) -------------------> System out text <-------------------
13:22:55,991 INFO [stdout] (default task-2) -------------------> System out text <-------------------
13:22:56,735 INFO [stdout] (default task-3) -------------------> System out text <-------------------
13:22:57,462 INFO [stdout] (default task-4) -------------------> System out text <-------------------
13:22:58,231 INFO [stdout] (default task-5) -------------------> System out text <-------------------
13:22:58,999 INFO [stdout] (default task-6) -------------------> System out text <-------------------
13:22:59,764 INFO [stdout] (default task-7) -------------------> System out text <--------------------
In order to clean your demo project ( BE CAREFUL if you selected a different project !! )
$ oc delete all --all -n demo