

This app was made by following the tutorial of youtube channel EQuimper for purpose of learning Go language. The tutorial playlist can be found on this link. Albeit I have followed the tutorial I've tried to implement a few quirks of my own, just to experiment with the yet unfamiliar programming language.

Project structure

The application made of three different components - database specific logic, business logic and API endpoints specific configurations. Through the project our main goal is to separate our API and database choice from the business logic of the application itself which is mostly achieved by interfaces and packages. This way we ensure that our business logic is independent of the implementation and choice of database and API architecture as the communication between all is done over interfaces. I have chosen REST design for endpoints combined with a PostgreSQL database but if one chose to change it for example to GraphQL support or a different database the code base of the business logic would stay the same.

Each of the following packages can be found in the folder with the same name as the package.

package domain

Contains the business logic of the application and is used by API endpoints. This is where we defined custom business logic errors and the interfaces type <Model>Repository interface {} where model stands for the name of the corresponding database model. These are then implemented in the database logic. All functions return Golang errors, which are then properly interpreted in the API endpoints package handlers. This is where we also define our payload structs which are used by our API endpoints to pass data.

package postgres

Contains implementations of the business logic interfaces and the database connection specific setup functions. Mostly code for our CRUD operations.

package handlers

Contains our REST API endpoints implementation. These accept data over HTTP and respond accordingly to the data validation or business errors that occur with the right status codes and payload values.