
Get, build, and deploy hsg3

Primary LanguageXQuery


The new hsg3 spans many git repositories, which together form the applications and data published at history.state.gov. This project simplifies the tasks of getting these repositories and building and creating packages to install into eXist.


To automate the following steps:

  • check out latest files √
  • build packages √
  • publish local edits to local (development) & remote (production) servers √
  • deploy packages to local (development) server for preview √
  • deploy packages to remote (production) servers
  • commit local edits to git
  • run unit tests (jenkins?)

(No check mark means this hasn't been automated and must still be done manually.)


  • eXist 5.x
  • Current versions of ant, git, and bower executables


For Office of the Historian staff, see the hsg-project wiki, especially the article Setting up a history.state.gov development environment on your computer and Using version control with history.state.gov publications and datasets.

For the general developer community:

  • Clone this repo
  • For oXygen users:
    • Open the hsg-project.xpr file in oXygen
    • From the External Tools toolbar menu (or Tools > External Tools):
    • Select Clone all repositories once to pull required repositories (and any time new repositories are added).
    • Select Deploy all repositories to localhost to build all packages and deploy them into the database.
  • For command line users:
    • Run ant setup once to pull required repositories (and any time new repositories are added).
    • Run ant to build all packages and deploy them into the database.


  • In the case of authentication errors, check build/build.properties to ensure that local.instance.uri, local.instance.user, and local.instance.password are correct for your eXist instance.
  • In the case of errors that git cannot be found, edit build/build.properties to set the correct path to the executable.

Other External Tools entries for oXygen users

  • To pull the latest updates for all repos, select Fetch updates to all repositories
  • To pull the latest updates for a single repo, open a file from that repo and select Fetch updates to current repository
  • To deploy a single repo's package, open a file from that repo and select Deploy current repository to localhost
  • To clean the project of all generated packages, select Delete generated packages (This also calls each repository's clean targets.)

Other Ant targets for command line users

  • To pull the latest updates for all repos, call ant update
  • To only build the packages (and not deploy them), call ant build
  • To clean the project of all generated packages, call ant clean. This also calls each repository's own clean targets.
  • To pull the latest updates for a single repo, call ant update-one -Drepo-name=REPO_NAME
  • To build a single repo's package, call ant -f repos/REPO_NAME/build.xml
  • To deploy a single repo's package, call ant deploy-one -Drepo-name=REPO_NAME -Dxar=REPO_NAME-X_Y.xar
  • For example, to build and deploy the latest hsg-shell code, enter:
ant update-one -Drepo-name=hsg-shell
ant -f repos/hsg-shell
ant deploy-one -Drepo-name=hsg-shell -Dxar=hsg-shell-0.2.xar
  • To start the day and ensure you have the latest version of all files (takes ~10 min; to shorten the time more, first run eXist's clean-default-data-dir build target - which wipes your database of all files and thus avoids the time required to uninstall old packages before installing the new ones):
git pull
ant clean
ant setup

Ant target for building DEV and PROD xars (for development and production server)

The default ant target will build xar files without any triggers and will internally call targets build > build-xar. An additional variable in target build-xar lets you to build 2 xar files containing triggers for 2 different environments: prod and dev.
By running the ant build command plus the environment variable like described below, you call a specific subant target xar-dev or xar-prod - both are found in each repo's build.xml.

  1. Command for DEV:

    • will create *-consumer-dev.xar without replication triggers and *-producer-dev.xar` containing replication triggers
    • calls target xar-dev
    ant -Dbuild-env=-dev build
  2. Command for PROD:

    • will create *-consumer-prod.xar without replication triggers and *-producer-prod.xar containing replication triggers
    • calls target xar-prod
    ant -Dbuild-env=-prod build


  • This has been tested with Mac OS X 10.11, Amazon Linux, and oXygen 17.1
  • To add a repository, add its info to build/build.properties
  • Pull requests welcome