Address Book

Address Book project for Epicodus

By Marni Sucher

Technologies Used

  • JavaScript
  • jQuery
  • Bootstrap


This project builds an address book.


Test 1: Describe: Contact(firstName, lastName, phoneNumber) Test: "It will confirm that contructor function of Contact works" Expect(testContact.toEqual(Contact {firstName: "Ada", lastName: "Lovelace", phoneNumber: "503-555-1111"}));

Test 2: Test: "It will confirm that the prototype method fullName works." Expect(textContact.fullName().toEqual("Ada Lovelace"));

Test 3: Test: "It will confirm that AddressBook.prototype.addContact adds a contact to the contacts object in AddressBook." Expect(addressBook.contacts.toEqual(Contact {firstName: "Ada", lastName: "Lovelace", phoneNumber: "503-555-0100"})

Test 4: Test: "It will confirm that addressBook.contacts returns contents of the addressBook." Expect(addressBook.Equal({Ada: Contact, Grace: Contact})

Test 5: Test: "It will confirm that addressBook.contacts[firstName] returns the contact info. Expect(addressBook.contacts["Ada"].toEqual(Contact {firstName: "Ada", lastName: "Lovelace", phoneNumber: "503-555-0100"}))

Test 6: Test: It will confirm that addressBook.contacts[firstName].phoneNumber returns the contact phone number. Exepect(addressBook.contacts["Ada"].phonenumber).toEqual("503-555-0100"));

Setup/Installation Requirements

Known Bugs

  • None at this time.


This application uses the GPL license.

Contact Information

Marni Sucher