Galactic Age Calculator

App used to calculate age on different planets, demonstrating testing through usage of Jest

Created by Marni Sucher, 3.25.2021

Technologies Used

  • Npm, webpack, webpack-cl
  • VS Code, HTML, CSS, JavaScript, jQuery
  • Bootstrap, ESLint, Babel, Jest
  • For a complete list of dependencies, see package.JSON


This application will request the user's age on Earth. It will use the input to determine the user's age on Mercury, Venus, Mars and Jupiter and determine their estimated time left to live on each planet.

Setup/Installation Requirements

  1. Clone this repository to your machine:
  2. Navigate to root folder of the galactic-age-calculator repository
  3. From the command line, use this series of commands to install dependencies and have webpack assemble and launch the project in your browser. NOTE: NPM must be installed first.

Users/{YOUR_USER_NAME}/Desktop/galactic-age-calculator $ npm install Users/{YOUR_USER_NAME}/Desktop/galactic-age-calculator $ npm run start

Known Bugs

  • None at this time


  • GPL


Marni Sucher