
Don't know where to start in your AWS journey? Bootstrap your learning and share your knowledge as you go. Welcome to AWS Learning Path!

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Welcome to the AWS Learning Path ☁️

An open collaboration by maronavenue and rhobinjay (and many more to come) for consolidated learning resources and materials to obtain AWS Associate-level certifications and/or simply dive right into AWS and Cloud computing. 😏


The consolidated contents are comprised of both free and paid services that were fully consumed by the collaborators. In this way, we ensure that we provide an accurate description of our various takes on the materials in respect to our common goals. Custom-made materials and notes from everyone that will help setup a particular service/scenario, or simplify a concept are cordially accepted. They should be locally linked from the main page to dedicated subfolders. For example, test dataset with commands to generate and populate a DynamoDB table. We shall label it as Native🏠 and also recognize the contributor who made all the efforts.

Legend Label
🆓 Free
💵 Paid
Highly recommended
🏠 Native

Main Collaborators

Fresh updates (last revision: 12/8/2020)

  • Added sample working script to showcase S3 Event Notification feature (via SQS message polling)
  • Added initial materials in preparation for SOA-C01
  • Added sample SSM document (YAML format) for Apache web server basic bootstrap
  • Added sample Lambda python code for SSM Parameter Store Demo using SDK (boto3)
  • Added sample bash script to deploy a simple web server via EC2 User Data (apache)
  • Added Dockerfile for building a wrapper container for awsping to enable running it without installation
  • Kicked off barebones Elastic Beanstalk sample app with index home page (to be continued)
  • Added new sections for Getting Started and Useful Tips and Links
  • Added SAA-C02 curated materials with keynotes from rhobinjay 🔥
  • Finalized simple Node web app to demonstrate Elastic Beanstalk :leaf:
  • Added Amazon RDS SQL scripts to initialize a fully-functional database with initial dataset (Book Review database)

🚧 Upcoming 🚧

  • Add actual existing materials used for SAA-C02 journey
  • Add AWS formal whitepapers
  • Share standalone training materials especially for Databases
  • Share Docker images
  • Add keynotes on SOA-C01 practice exams from Jon Bonso on Udemy

Curated Materials

AWS Certified Cloud Practitioner

AWS Certified Developer - Associate

AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate

  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 🆓 ⭐
    • Type: Anki deck
    • From: Anki community (Anon)
    • Notes: latest (based on latest revision) and best rated across shared decks for this course
  • Ultimate AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate 2020 💵 ⭐
    • Type: Udemy course
    • From: Stephane Maarek
    • Notes:
      • First few courses started with general knowledge about AWS before jumping into architectural concepts. Really helpful to try looking for unfamiliar technical words online before continuing the lecture
      • Important things are well highlighted and it even mentioned on other lectures which I find it easy to remember
      • Includes a summary of a topic in the end to see the concept in a bigger picture and it highlights what needs to remember first before understanding the details.
      • Ideas and designs are well illustrated as the diagrams are easily understandable
      • Questions posted on the community are not answered right away but it took within the day for some at least. Although in Udemy, you can search for the question first before posting one.
      • Pronunciation is sometimes unclear and there are sudden cuts to only few of the lectures. Subtitles are recommended.
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams 💵 ⭐
    • Type: Udemy course
    • From: Neal Davis
    • Notes:
      • Contains 6 sets of test with 65 questions each, multiple choice and multiple answer. Then each test has 120mins time to finish. This is to simulate the real certification test.
      • Quality of questions are great and almost give you the same feeling when doing actual cert exam
      • Results will be provided after the test with a high level summary to different knowledge areas
      • All choices are thoroughly explained why it is correct and why not.
      • Expect mental stress and work-out when decided to do the practice test.
      • Prepare around 2 weeks to complete all tests with the understanding of correct and incorrect answers from the question.
      • Recommends finishing first the lecture and have a foundation knowledge before moving into tests. And go back to the lecture when having uncertainties.

AWS Certified Sysops Administrator - Associate

Getting Started on AWS

Which region should I use?

There are plenty of available tools online that can determine the best region in terms of common factors such as Geolocation, HTTP pings, TCP pings, etc relative to the AWS user. I've curated some of the tools that I found useful when I was starting out.

  1. awsping - A CLI command that checks for the latency based on HTTP or TCP. It can even average the pings based on repeats. Don't have the right environment or configuration? Feel free to pull this Docker container to run the command without installing anything: maronavenue/awsping
$ docker pull maronavenue/awsping
$ docker run -it --rm maronavenue/awsping:full http -repeats 10
      Region                                      Latency
    0 Asia Pacific (Singapore)                   66.18 ms
    1 Asia Pacific (Mumbai)                     127.90 ms
    2 Asia Pacific (Tokyo)                      129.39 ms
    3 Asia Pacific (Seoul)                      132.51 ms
    4 Asia Pacific (Sydney)                     164.30 ms
    5 US-West (California)                      174.12 ms
    6 US-West (Oregon)                          181.24 ms
    7 Europe (Frankfurt)                        211.99 ms
    8 US-East (Virginia)                        229.82 ms
    9 Europe (Ireland)                          253.35 ms
   10 South America (São Paulo)                 361.74 ms
  1. CloudPing.info - A browser-based tool that also estimates latency across all regions based on HTTP.

  2. AWS latency test - A 100% serverless solution that calculates time needed to load a resource from a health page of a particular AWS service that is accessible across all regions such as Amazon DynamoDB. Also provides visual reports on top of the latency test.

  3. EC2 Reachability Test - Amazon Web Services EC2 Reachability and Connectivity Test.

  4. AWS Regional Data Centers mapping - A visual mapping of direct connection lines across AWS Global presence provided by TurnKey Hub. I haven't verified if it's up-to-date, so I'm putting it in the last for now.

Useful Tips and Links