
A C17 lexical parser written in Java.

Primary LanguageJavaOtherNOASSERTION


Clione is a Java implementation of a lexical parser that tokenizes source code written in C17 and other C-like programming languages.

The main facility is a tokenization API corresponding to the C preprocessor layer. It includes the features of trigraph replacement, line splicing, and tokenization but does not include macro expansion and directive handling.


A typical usage example would be as follows:

package com.example;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;

import com.maroontress.clione.LexicalParser;
import com.maroontress.clione.Token;

public final class TokenDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(args[0]);
        try (var parser = LexicalParser.of(Files.newBufferedReader(path))) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public static void run(LexicalParser parser) throws IOException {
        for (;;) {
            var maybeToken = parser.next();
            if (maybeToken.isEmpty()) {
            var token = maybeToken.get();
            printToken(token, "");

    public static void printToken(Token token, String indent) {
        var type = token.getType();
        var value = token.getValue();
        var span = token.getSpan();
        var s = switch (type) {
                    -> "'" + value.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n") + "'";
            default -> value;
        System.out.printf("%s%s: %s: %s%n", indent, span, type, s);
        for (var child : token.getChildren()) {
            printToken(child, indent + "| ");

And helloworld.c would be as follows:

#include <stdio.h>

int main(void)
    printf("hello world\n");

In this example, the result of "java com.example.TokenDemo helloworld.c" is as follows:

L1:1--19: DIRECTIVE: #
| L1:2--8: DIRECTIVE_NAME: include
| L1:9: DELIMITER: ' '
| L1:10--18: STANDARD_HEADER: <stdio.h>
| L1:19: DIRECTIVE_END: '\n'
L2:1: DELIMITER: '\n'
L3:1--3: RESERVED: int
L3:4: DELIMITER: ' '
L3:5--8: IDENTIFIER: main
L3:10--13: RESERVED: void
L3:15: DELIMITER: '\n'
L4:2--L5:4: DELIMITER: '\n    '
L5:5--10: IDENTIFIER: printf
L5:12--26: STRING: "hello world\n"
L5:29: DELIMITER: '\n'
L6:2: DELIMITER: '\n'


The LexicalParser object creates and returns a token from the stream of the source file. It often extracts the ones from the source file, but trigraph and digraph substitution and line concatenation may result in tokens that are not in the source file. It returns an empty token when it finally reaches the end of the source file.

The Token objects that the next() method of LexicalParser instance returns are the preprocessing tokens. So, the evaluation is necessary before using their content. In other words, they can be incomplete according to the token type. For example, the string literal or comment may not terminate, the preprocessing number may not represent valid integer and floating-point constants, and so on.

As in the example above, Token objects can have children, which means they can be in a tree structure. For tokens that the next() method returns, tokens of type TokenType.DIRECTIVE only have children.

The Token object has its type, span, and characters. The type is one of the constants defined in enum TokenType, the span represents the range of the source file where the token occurs, and the characters are SourceChar objects that compose it.


The SourceChar object represents a character that composes the token or EOF. It may also have one or more child characters in some cases. For example, it is the case that it represents:

  • the character which is substituted for any digraph or trigraph sequence
  • the character that follows a backslash (\) at the end of the line

The following code shows an example:

package com.example;

import java.io.IOException;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.List;

import com.maroontress.clione.LexicalParser;
import com.maroontress.clione.SourceChar;
import com.maroontress.clione.Token;

public final class SourceCharDemo {

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        var path = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(args[0]);
        try (var parser = LexicalParser.of(Files.newBufferedReader(path))) {
        } catch (IOException e) {

    public static void run(LexicalParser parser) throws IOException {
        for (;;) {
            var maybeToken = parser.next();
            if (maybeToken.isEmpty()) {

    public static void printToken(Token token) {
        var type = token.getType();
        var value = token.getValue();
        var span = token.getSpan();
        var s = switch (type) {
                    -> "'" + value.replaceAll("\n", "\\\\n") + "'";
            default -> value;
        System.out.printf("%s: %s: %s%n", span, type, s);
        printChars(token.getChars(), "  ");

    private static void printChars(List<SourceChar> chars, String indent) {
        for (var c : chars) {
            var span = c.getSpan();
            var value = c.toChar();
            var s = (value == '\n')
                    ? "'\\n'"
                    : Character.isHighSurrogate(value)
                    ? "H(0x" + Integer.toString((int) value, 16) + ")"
                    : Character.isLowSurrogate(value)
                    ? "L(0x" + Integer.toString((int) value, 16) + ")"
                    : String.valueOf(value);
            System.out.printf("%s%s: %s%n", indent, span, s);
            printChars(c.getChildren(), indent + "| ");

And main.c would be as follows:


In this example, the result of "java com.example.SourceCharDemo main.c" is as follows:

L1:1--L2:2: IDENTIFIER: main
  L1:1: m
  L1:2: a
  L1:3--L2:1: i
  | L1:3--5: \
  | | L1:3: ?
  | | L1:4: ?
  | | L1:5: /
  | L1:6: '\n'
  | L2:1: i
  L2:2: n

The result illustrates that the character i in the identifier main has child characters: a backslash (\), a newline (\n), and i. Furthermore, the backslash character has child characters: ?, ?, and /. Of course, what happens is that the trigraph sequence ??/ is replaced with a backslash at first, and then the backslash at the end of the line results in the line concatenation.

Surrogate pairs

A character corresponds to a column. So, one char value often represents one column. However, in the case of a character represented with a surrogate pair, the two char values in the pair represent one column. Here is an example emojicat.c:

char *cat = u8"🐱";

The result of "java com.example.SourceCharDemo emojicat.c" is as follows:

L1:19--23: STRING: u8"🐱"
  L1:13: u
  L1:14: 8
  L1:15: "
  L1:16: H(0xd83d)
  L1:16: L(0xdc31)
  L1:17: "

This example shows that the high and low surrogate characters are in the same column.

Phases of translation

The lexical parser starts tokenization after trigraph replacement and line splicing, according to the phases of translation.


Before anything else, the lexical parser substitutes \n for all newlines, that is, line feed (LF), carriage return and line feed (CRLF), and carriage return (CR) in the stream, even if different newlines are mixed in the stream. It indicates \n as a newline (NL) character, regardless of platform.


After unifying newline characters, the lexical parser replaces trigraph sequences with the new SourceChar objects they represent. The new one becomes the parent of the replaced characters and represents their equivalent. The following table lists all trigraphs:

Trigraph Equivalent
??< {
??> }
??[ (
??] )
??= #
??/ \
??' ^
??! |
??- ~

Line splicing

Next to the trigraph replacement, the lexical parser removes the backslash character at the end of the line. To be more precise, it replaces the backslash, the newline character, and the next character with a new SourceChar object. The new one becomes the parent of the replaced characters and represents the character that followed the backslash and newline characters.

A pair of the backslash and newline characters may appear two or more times with consecutive occurrences. In that case, the new substituted one becomes the parent of both their characters and the next character.


After line splicing, the lexical parser starts to break the SourceChar stream into Tokens. A Token object may be either:

  • delimiters (that are sequences of whitespace characters)
  • comments
  • directives
  • preprocessing tokens (that are standard header names, identifiers, preprocessing numbers, character constants, string literals, operators and punctuators, or unknown token)


A delimiter is a separator between tokens. Strictly speaking, it is not a token, but the lexical parser returns the delimiter as a token. Some applications may completely ignore delimiters (for example, code formatters).

The space, horizontal tab (HT), form feed (FF), vertical tab (VT), and NL characters are delimiters within any non-directive line. The space and HT characters are delimiters within any directive lines.

☕ By the way, have you seen source code including FF and VT characters? In the past, people often printed source code on paper. In the 1980s, I saw some source code that included a FF character inserted between functions. It resulted in a page break, so each function started at the top of the page. As far as a VT character goes, I have never seen it in the source code.

The token type of delimiters is TokenType.DELIMITER.


A comment also can be a delimiter, because C preprocessors replace each comment with a space character.

There are two types of comments. The one starts with /* and ends with */. The other starts with // and ends with a newline character. No comment can be inside a character constant, a string literal, a standard header name, or a filename in either case.

The content of the token can be incomplete. For example, it may not terminate, and so on.

The token type of comments is TokenType.COMMENT.


An identifier is a preprocessing token.

The first character of an identifier name must be one of:

  • an underscore character or an uppercase or lowercase letter ([_A-Za-z])
  • universal character names (\uXXXX or \UXXXXXXXX, X is a hexadecimal digit)
  • other implementation-defined characters

The second and subsequent character must be one of them or a digit ([0-9]).

The other implementation-defined characters that LexicalParser's implementation defines are of Unicode Identifier that is as follows:

So, the lexical parser can parse the following C code:

char *\U0001f431 = "cat";

However, it does NOT support the following code because Unicode Identifier does not contain the emoji characters such as 🐱:

char *🐱 = "cat";

Note that the recent famous C compilers (like GCC, Clang, etc.) can compile the code where an identifier contains emoji characters like this.

The token type of identifiers is TokenType.IDENTIFIER.

Reserved words

Reserved words are equivalent to identifiers, but they are in the set of keywords, which you can specify with the factory method of LexicalParser.

The token type of reserved words is TokenType.RESERVED.

Character constants

A character constant is a preprocessing token.

It consists of one or more characters enclosed in single quotes. The quotes may follow a prefix either L, u, or U. It may contain escape sequences. It may not contain a newline character.

The content of the token can be incomplete. For example, it may not terminate, it may contain no character, two or more characters, or invalid escape sequences inside the single quotes, and so on.

The token type of character constants is TokenType.CHARACTER.

String literals

A string literal is a preprocessing token.

It consists of zero or more characters enclosed in double quotes. The quotes may follow a prefix either L, u, U, or u8. It may contain escape sequences. It may not contain a newline character.

The content of the token can be incomplete. For example, it may not terminate, it may contain invalid escape sequences inside the double quotes, and so on.

The token type of string literals is TokenType.STRING.

Preprocessing numbers

A preprocessing number is a preprocessing token.

It includes all integer and floating-point constants but does other forms except them.

The content of the token can be incomplete. For example, it may not represent both integer and floating-point constants, and so on.

The token type of preprocessing numbers is TokenType.NUMBER.

Operators and punctuators

Operator or punctuator tokens are preprocessing tokens. The following table lists valid tokens of which the type is TokenType.OPERATOR:

+       -       *       /       %       ++      --      ==      !=
>       <       >=      <=      !       &&      ||      ~       &
|       ^       <<      >>      =       +=      -=      *=      /=
%=      &=      |=      ^=      <<=     >>=     ->      .       ?

Note that these are preprocessing tokens, not C operators. For example, sizeof is an operator in C, but a reserved word (or an identifier) as a preprocessing token.

The following table lists all valid tokens of which the type is TokenType.PUNCTUATOR:

(       )       [       ]       {       }       :
;       ,       ...     <:      :>      <%      %>

The lexical parser specially treats the four tokens: #, %:, ##, and %:%:. The type of them is TokenType.OPERATOR in directive lines. Otherwise, # and %: are of type TokenType.DIRECTIVE, ## and %:%: are of type TokenType.UNKNOWN as follows:

Tokens In directive lines Otherwise
# %: TokenType.OPERATOR TokenType.DIRECTIVE
## %:%: TokenType.OPERATOR TokenType.UNKNOWN

The following table lists all tokens that are digraphs:

Token Equivalent
<: [
:> ]
<% {
%> }
%: #
%:%: ##

The lexical parser replaces the digraphs with their equivalents. The substituted characters have the child characters that represent the replaced ones.


A directive token consists of a number sign (or hash) character (#) and the child tokens. The null directive has no child tokens.

The child tokens must include a directive name, arguments (depending on the directive name), and the end of the directive (that is a newline character). They also may include delimiters and comments. The last of them must be the end of the directive.

The content of the child tokens can be incomplete. For example, they may represent an invalid directive, they may not end with the end of the directive, and so on.

The token type of directives is TokenType.DIRECTIVE.

The tokens that represent the directive names must have the content which is either: define, undef, include, if, ifdef, ifndef, else, elif, endif, line, error, or pragma. Their token type is TokenType.DIRECTIVE_NAME.

The tokens that represents the end of the directive must have a newline character as the content. Their token type is TokenType.DIRECTIVE_END.

Include directives

When the directive name equals include, the argument must be either:

  • a standard header name between angle brackets (< and >)
  • a filename between double quotes (" and ")
  • any other form that expands to a standard header name or a filename after macro replacement

A standard header name and a filename are preprocessing tokens.

The content of the tokens can be incomplete. For example, they may not terminate, and so on.

The token types of standard header names and filenames are TokenType.STANDARD_HEADER and TokenType.FILENAME, respectively.

Unknown tokens

When the lexical parser encounters characters that do not fit the above description, it returns an unknown token containing them.

The token type of unknown tokens is TokenType.UNKNOWN.

API Reference