
school project fo pb138

Primary LanguageCSS

#Silverspoon Camel Routes Visualizator

Build Status

Originally a school project for #PB138(Modern markup languages) seminar at Faculty of Informatics at Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

##Table of contents

  • Summary
  • [Installation] (#installation)
  • [Documentation] (#documentation)
  • [Team] (#team)
  • [Lecturers] (#lecturers)


Our task in this project is to develop a web application, which uses the Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformation (XSLT) to transform [Apache Camel Routes] (http://camel.apache.org/routes.html), written in an .xml file, into a .svg picture. Eventually, the produced picture will be shown on a webpage.

This transformation should cover the needs of the [Silverspoon.io project] (https://silverspoon.io).

The application is currently running in the cloud. You can find a link to it in project's wiki.

If you want to build the application by yourself, or change some stuff, proceed to [Installation] (#installation).


If you want to build the application by yourself feel free to do so by using your favorite Maven-supporting IDE. Remember to use the Apache Tomcat as your web server.

  1. Download the sources. To do this, just press the Download ZIP button on the right side.
  2. Extract downloaded file.
  3. Open the .pom file from project's directory in your IDE.
  4. Configure the tomcat server, especially the CATALINA_BASE location.
  5. Build and run the project.


The javadoc can be found in directory documentation.

The detailed documentation, with the description of every single thing in application and pictures, as well, can be found on our [wiki pages] (https://github.com/maroselo/visualizator/wiki).

