Custom Git Commands


  1. Move to the C:/ folder.
  2. Run the following command to clone the repository:
    git clone
  3. Navigate into the cloned repository:
  4. Click on the downloader.cmd file.
  5. Configure Git with your name and email using the following command:
    git launch <> <>


Set General Configuration
git launch <> <>
Configure Git
git config-git <> <>
Configure Github
git config-gh
git config-github
Configure Gitlab
git config-glab
git config-gitlab

Host Information Options

Get Current Hosting Service (Github/GitLab)
git current-host
Get Current Creational Repository Status (Public/Private)
git current-repo-status
Switch Hosting Service
git switch-host
Switch Creational Repository Status
git switch-repo-status

Setup Options

Setup Project with Default Workflow (main, dev, base)
git new-w <repo-name>
git setup-project-workflow <repo-name>
Setup Project and Create Repository
git setup-project <repo-name>
git new <repo-name>
Setup Default Workflow (main, dev, base)
git setup-workflow

Task's Interaction Options

Start New Task
git start <branch-name|task-key>
Move Branch to Development
git to-dev <branch-name|task-key>
git to-development <branch-name|task-key>
Move Branch to Production
git to-prod <branch-name|task-key>
git to-production <branch-name|task-key>

Commit Options

Commit with Current Branch Name
git c <commit-message>
Commit -am with Current Branch Name
git ca <commit-message>
Commit add . with Current Branch Name
git ac <commit-message>
Reword Last Commit
git reword

Other Options

Show the HEAD Value of the Current Branch
git current-head
Get the Current Branch
git current-branch
Switch to Branch
git to <branch-name>

