Wifilm is a web platform that allows users to rate movies, discover the rank of movies, and explore the latest movies of their favorite actors. With an intuitive and user-friendly interface, Wifilm is your ultimate movie guide.


  • User authentication: Users can create an account, log in, and log out.
  • Rate movies: Users can rate movies on a scale of 1 to 10.
  • Discover rank of movies: Users can discover the top-rated movies of all time and the top-rated movies of a specific genre.
  • Explore latest movies of actors: Users can explore the latest movies of their favorite actors.
  • Search: Users can search for movies based on keywords, genres, actors, and other criteria.
  • Admin panel: Admins can manage movies, actors, genres, and users.
  • Responsive design: The platform is optimized for desktop and mobile devices.

Tech Stack


Backend: Laravel, MySQL


Install my-project with npm

Clone the repository: git clone https://github.com/marouaneaitelhaj/WiFiLm.git

Install dependencies: composer install and npm install

Create a new database and update the .env file with your database credentials

Run the database migrations: php artisan migrate

Seed the database with sample data: php artisan db:seed

Compile the assets: npm run dev

Start the server: php artisan serve