Primary LanguageJavaScript

My First Look into React Native

This project represents my initial exploration and experimentation with React Native. It serves as an introduction to React Native development and showcases my learning progress as I delve into this technology.


In this project, I have taken my first steps in React Native development and have implemented various features and functionalities. It includes the creation of basic screens, navigation setup, and the integration of essential components.

Project Structure

The project consists of the following files and directories:

  • App.js: The entry point of the React Native application.
  • components: A directory that contains reusable components used throughout the app.
  • screens: A directory containing the different screens of the application.
  • navigation: A directory that defines the navigation structure of the app using React Navigation.
  • assets: A directory for storing static assets such as images, fonts, etc.

Getting Started

To run the application locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository: git clone <repository-url>
  2. Install the required dependencies: npm install
  3. Start the Metro server: npm start
  4. Build and run the application on a simulator or device: npm run android or npm run ios


  • Node.js
  • React Native CLI
  • Android/iOS device or emulator


As this project represents my initial foray into React Native, I am not actively seeking contributions at this time. However, feedback, suggestions, and tips are always welcome and greatly appreciated!


This project is licensed under the MIT License.