
This repository is public for a reason , try pull requests sharing jokes 😂

Primary LanguageHTML


This repository is public for a reason , try pull requests sharing jokes 😂

link to the website : github-jokes

if you see this repo, create a pull request share a joke

this is an opportunity, to try github pull requests , consider it a fun playground

only funny jokes will be accepted xD

how to create a pull request ?

  • fork the repo using the button on top
  • clone the forked repo
  • create a new branch
  • add a joke in index.html
  • add commit and push changes
  • click compare and pull request
  • wait for it to get accepted ! more details on how to create pull request

joke format

simply add a div that contains a paragraph , after the div add a hr , this is a simple layout to keep the divs organized and to ease futur modifications , example :

     <p> the joke </p>
     <a href="you github link"> your name </a>
<hr> // to seperate jokes ;)
     <p> the joke </p>
     <a href="you github link"> your name </a>
<hr> // to seperate jokes ;)


  • add a theme