Primary LanguagePython


A small example that shows how to do the proper orthogonal decomposition of a matrix using petsc4py and slepc4py.


First install miniconda by following the website's instruction: link.

Verify that conda is properly installed on your system by typing: which conda.

Create a conda environment and activate it:

  • conda create -n <environment_name>
  • conda activate <environment_name>

The easiest way to install petsc4py and slepc4py is from the conda-forge channel:

  • Add conda forge to your channels: conda config --add channels conda-forge conda config --set channel_priority strict
  • Install petsc4py and slepc4py: conda install petsc4py conda install slepc4py

The petsc4py library needs python and mpi4py as dependencies, so they will be installed automatically.

Running the script in parallel

MPI with 4 processes: mpiexec -n 4 python pod.py