
Simple library to make payments via telegram bitcoin exchangers such as @BTC_CHANGE_BOT, @Chatex_bot

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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💾 Installation

pip install telecoin

📞 Contacts

  • 🖱️ Developer contacts: Dev-Telegram

🐦 Dependencies

Library Description
aiohttp Asynchronous HTTP Client/Server for asyncio and Python.
pyrogram Modern Telegram Framework

❔ What is this?

  • This is simple library to activate @BTC_CHANGE_BOT, @GetWallet_bot gift cheque.

↗️ Create Session

import asyncio

from telecoin import BankerWrapper

async def main():
    banker = BankerWrapper(phone_number='Your Number', api_id='Your ID',
                           api_hash='Your Hash',
    await banker.create_session()

if __name__ == '__main__':

💰 Activate Cheque

import asyncio

from telecoin import BankerWrapper
from telecoin.exceptions import InvalidCheque

async def main():
    banker = BankerWrapper(phone_number='Your Number', api_id='Your ID',
                           api_hash='Your Hash',
        result = await banker.activate_cheque('https://telegram.me/BTC_CHANGE_BOT?start=c_ae0f629a49fd1b494b371c0ec64d1v21')
        print(f'Received {result.btc} BTC / {result.rub} RUB')
    except InvalidCheque:
        print('Cheque is not valid')

if __name__ == '__main__':