
a python client for the Ardoq REST API

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

Ardoqpy - a Python3 client for The Ardoq REST API


Ardoqpy is a thin client library for the Ardoq REST API. It consists of 2 clients

  • ArdoqClient
    • thin client for the rest-api
  • ArdoqSyncClient
    • subclass of ArdoqClient
    • maintains a cache of aggregated workspace information
    • overrides write operations
      • only create components and references if they are not already in the cache
      • update cache for create and update operations
      • cache hit is based on
        • component: name, typeId
          • NB: name match is CASE_INSENSITIVE
        • reference: source, target, and type
    • overriders find_component (comp_name)
      • loads aggregated workspace to cache if its not present
      • finds component based on either of the following
        • name: substring or exact match
        • fieldname == fieldvalue (you need to ensure the types can handle equivalence)
          • fieldname, if not None, is checked first
    • can be run in simulate mode which updates the report but does not execute write operations in ardoq


(see the test client for examples)

ArdoqClient Import Usage

from ardoqpy import ArdoqClient

ArdoqClient Implemented:

  • workspace
    • get all
      • summary=True is undocumented in the REST docs but returns stats for workspaces
    • get by ID
    • get by ID aggregated
    • create workspace
    • delete
    • create folder
    • move workspace to folder
  • component
    • get by ID
    • get all for workspace
    • create
    • delete
    • update
    • find by name in workspace
    • find by field_name / field_value in workspace
  • reference
    • get all for workspace
    • get by ID
    • create
    • update
    • delete
  • tag
    • get by ID
    • get all for workspace
    • create
  • model
    • get by ID
    • get all models and templates
    • print model to get IDs for component and reference types
    • find reference_type by name
    • find component_type by name
  • folder
    • create
    • get by ID and all folders
  • util
    • pprint
      • pretty print responses from ardoq calls

ArdoqSyncClient Import Usage

from ardoqpy_sync import ArdoqSyncClient
ardoq = ArdoqSyncClient(hosturl=host, token=token)
ardoqsim = ArdoqSyncClient(hosturl=host, token=token, simulate=True)

ArdoqSyncClient Implemented:

  • all interfaces from ArdoqClient
  • component
    • create
      • cache check is based on name attribute only (case insensitive)
    • update
  • reference
    • create
      • cache check is based on source, target, and type attributes
    • update


pip install ardoqpy


  • Python 3
  • Requests - ardoqpy uses requests package for http requests

Quick Start

To get started, simply install ardoqpy, create an ArdoqClient object and call methods:

edit `ardoq.cfg` to include your API token
make sure `ardoqpy.py` opens your `ardoq.cfg`configuration file
use `testclient.py`as a basis for your own client

or from the console

from ardoqpy import ArdoqClient
ardoq = ardoqpy.ArdoqClient(hosturl='https://YOURORG.ardoq.com', token='YOURTOKEN')


  • 202207

    • add find_reference_type to return reftype definition from the metamodel for a workspace
    • add find_component_type to return comptype definition from the metamodel for a workspace. Checks full hierarchy
  • 202204

    • add print_model to print component and reference IDs
  • 20220228

    • add PR to include references in get_component function
    • fixed bug in ardoq_sync when logging ref without displayText
  • 20220212

    • deprecated org parameter
    • removed problem with slash on url
    • change get all components in ws to search operation. In line with public API docs
  • 20220131

    • fixed bug in SyncClient when searching for references in a WS without refs
  • 20220122

    • changed get_model. calling without ws_id now returns all models
    • added get_folder. returns all folders if no folder_id
  • 20211107

    • improve simulation mode
    • added cache_miss_comps and cache_miss_refs lists to capture items found in ardoq that are no longer in the source systems
  • 20210717

    • Added simulate option to SyncClient to simulate write operations to update the report without modifying ardoq
  • 20210420

    • Fixed PyPy support
  • 20170125

    • Added pip and fields creation support.
  • 20160618

    • bug and feature improvements
    • first version of the sync client
  • 20160402

    • Initial dev


  • complete the full REST-API for fields and tags


The ardoq-python-client is licensed under the MIT License