
Original idea to be continued later:

Use OpenWeather API with api key provided

First attempt to use Node.js and MongoDB in a functioning SPA!


  • Can specify units
  • Add a city,country tuple to the database, then click on city name to show current conditions
  • Data is retrieved via AJAX calls, JSON is returned
  • Decided to not store the json data in a db, as they change and update constantly
  • If user wishes to merely query api and retrieve json, can use form at the bottom


  • Data stored in 'data' directory
  • Collection used is 'cityList'
  • Each entry has city, country, and a unique _id (auto-generated by MongoDB)


  • I used the EXPRESS package and accompanying generator
  • All files located under the 'myapp' directory, sub-directories are same as how the generator set them
  • Went ahead and started learning how .jade files work
  • Stuck with jQuery for dynamic elements and manipulating the DOM