Perl script that updates aws route53 dns records with current public ip address.
To find out current ip address it uses a bot that returns current ip address on http get. At the moment it uses: It's configurable, but the api should return a body only containing the ip address.
To change dns it uses AWS-CLI's route53 API.
Perl modules
- Config::Abstract::Ini
- AWS::CLIWrapper
- FindBin (core)
- Sys::Syslog (core)
Non perl
- aws cli
Create a user that will run this script. E.g. addresskeeper
, group addresskeeper
Copy contents of bin
, etc
, lib
and var
to e.g. /usr/local
Change rights / modes to:
/usr/local/etc/addresskeeper.cfg root:addresskeeper -rw-r-----
/usr/local/var/addresskeeper root:addresskeeper drwxrwxr-x
Add file addresskeeper
to /etc/cron.d
10,40 * * * * addresskeeper /usr/local/bin/
This will run the script every 30 minutes, at 10 and 40 past the hour.
Edit /usr/local/etc/addresskeeper.cfg
Section hosts
Add every host (A) entry that should be kept at our current address (as reported by [check]/url
my-gateway =
my-webserver =
Entries should be <descriptive name> = <hostname>
Section aws
Make sure hosted_zone_id
matches the host zone id of your domain. This id can be found in the AWS Route53 console.
hosted_zone_id = AHH5747HLKJY
AWS credentials
Add a .aws
directory to the addresskeeper
user's home directory.
addresskeeper@thirdworld:~$ ls -l .aws
total 8
-rw------- 1 addresskeeper addresskeeper 29 Feb 16 12:37 config
-rw------- 1 addresskeeper addresskeeper 116 Feb 16 12:37 credentials
It should contain your aws access key id and your secret access key.
aws_access_key_id = <your access key id>
aws_secret_access_key = <your secret access key>
Make sure that only the addresskeeper
user can read this file.
- Use a config (ini) parser that accepts ';' in values (needed for 'user_agent' item).