
Perl script that updates aws route53 dns with current public ip address

Primary LanguagePerl


Perl script that updates aws route53 dns records with current public ip address.

To find out current ip address it uses a bot that returns current ip address on http get. At the moment it uses: http://bot.whatismyipaddress.com. It's configurable, but the api should return a body only containing the ip address.

To change dns it uses AWS-CLI's route53 API.


Perl modules

  • LWP
  • Config::Abstract::Ini
  • AWS::CLIWrapper
  • FindBin (core)
  • Sys::Syslog (core)

Non perl

  • aws cli



Create a user that will run this script. E.g. addresskeeper, group addresskeeper.


Copy contents of bin, etc, lib and var to e.g. /usr/local.

Change rights / modes to:

/usr/local/etc/addresskeeper.cfg  root:addresskeeper -rw-r-----
/usr/local/var/addresskeeper      root:addresskeeper drwxrwxr-x


Add file addresskeeper to /etc/cron.d


10,40 * * * * addresskeeper /usr/local/bin/addresskeeper.pl

This will run the script every 30 minutes, at 10 and 40 past the hour.


Edit /usr/local/etc/addresskeeper.cfg

Section hosts

Add every host (A) entry that should be kept at our current address (as reported by [check]/url).

my-gateway = gateway.mydomain.net
my-webserver = www.mydomain.net

Entries should be <descriptive name> = <hostname>.

Section aws

Make sure hosted_zone_id matches the host zone id of your domain. This id can be found in the AWS Route53 console.

hosted_zone_id = AHH5747HLKJY

AWS credentials

Add a .aws directory to the addresskeeper user's home directory.

addresskeeper@thirdworld:~$ ls -l .aws
total 8
-rw------- 1 addresskeeper addresskeeper  29 Feb 16 12:37 config
-rw------- 1 addresskeeper addresskeeper 116 Feb 16 12:37 credentials

It should contain your aws access key id and your secret access key.

aws_access_key_id = <your access key id>
aws_secret_access_key = <your secret access key>

Make sure that only the addresskeeper user can read this file.


  • Use a config (ini) parser that accepts ';' in values (needed for 'user_agent' item).