
Run scripts on remote RouterOs / MikroTik router via snmp

Primary LanguagePerl

RouterOs snmp script runner

Runs script on RouterOs snmp agent (MikroTik Router).


  • perl
  • net-snmp


Scripts on router

/system script print command lists scripts availabe on router. E.g.

[admin@hgw] /system script> print
Flags: I - invalid
 0   name="disable-internet-marc" owner="admin" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon dont-require-permissions=no last-started=mar/22/2020 18:34:59 run-count=4 source=/ip firewall filter enable 13

 1   name="enable-internet-marc" owner="admin" policy=ftp,reboot,read,write,policy,test,password,sniff,sensitive,romon dont-require-permissions=no last-started=mar/22/2020 18:37:43 run-count=6 source=/ip firewall filter disable 13

How to create scripts? See https://wiki.mikrotik.com/wiki/Manual:Scripting

Run from snmp manager

Make sure that net-snmp is configured with the correct community (snmp v1 and v2) or username / password(s) (authentication and encryption password). This community or user should have write privileges. Therefore it's advisable to use snmp v3 and to restrict access on agent to the manager. snmpconf can help create a snmp config file.

[admin@hgw] /snmp community> print value-list
                       name: public          private
                   security: none            authorized
                read-access: yes             yes
               write-access: no              yes
    authentication-protocol: MD5             MD5
        encryption-protocol: DES             DES
    authentication-password:                 ******
        encryption-password:                 ******

Change hostname of router (agent) in script:

use constant AGENT => 'gateway';

Change 'gateway' info the hostname or ip address of your router.

$ run_script_on_gateway.pl

Usage /home/marc/bin/run_script_on_gateway.pl <script name>
      /home/marc/bin/run_script_on_gateway.pl -l

$ run_script_on_gateway.pl -l


$ run_script_on_gateway.pl disable-internet-marc

SNMPv2-SMI::enterprises.14988. = ""